Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just what I needed

On Tuesday was a day of mixed emotions, I went to apply for my passport.

Usually people would be pretty excited to go out of the country.

For me it isn't that I am not excited, but I know it will be an emotional trip.

I know that I have some new readers here so some may not know that on December 2nd my dad had a massive heart attack and with one breath he was hear on earth and then the next he was in heaven with our Lord and Savior.

You can read a little about it here and here.

My dad was most definitely a spiritual leader. He loved people. I mean really loved everyone he met. He has such a heart to share the Lord's love with everyone he met.

Because of this passion that was so evident in his life, at the time of his death his church was in the works with building a school in the Dominican Republic in an area called La Represa. They had already built one building but they quickly outgrew it and needed another one.

This new building will be dedicated to my dad.

Isn't that just a blessing?

The building should be finished in July. I will definitely be there for the dedication.

My mom, my two brothers, and I will be going. No kids. I think one of dad's sisters maybe going too.

Which I am kind of sad about that part. Wild Man is really the only one that would remember the trip out of all the grandkids. But I would love to show them what poverty really looks like. I want him to know how blessed he is to have what he has. I hope one day to take them back there.

All our spouses will be staying with the kids.

So knowing where this passport will take me, just made me sad.

Then the next day I got an email from Kristin at A Betty Crocker wannabe who gave me an award.

Then today I got another award from Kenzie @ 9 o'clock dance of joy!

Thanks girls! It just made my day a little brighter.

Then I want to thank all of you readers too!

Before dad passed I had all these ideas in my head of what I wanted to do with the house but didn't have the guts to start any of them.

But when he passed I needed an outlet. So I started decorating.

I put it on my blog to show all from friends back home in TN what I was up to.
Then less then 2 months ago I switched from my personal blog to this one. I went from 1 follower to now just under 200!

What an ego boost!

Aw, shucks. I guess some people really like me!

Thanks you guys!

By the way, I am working on two more projects that I can't wait to show you. Cuz I can't just do one thing at a time. That would be too normal.

And tomorrow I will be starting another giveaway!

So again, I just want to say thanks to everyone that reads my blogs and leaves me the sweetest comments!

You all help me get through this season in my life. 


  1. Such an emotional trip for you, but a necessary one as it will be a blessing to you to see the dedication. Hugs!


  2. Sweet post! I can understand how your trip would give mixed emotions! Try and focus on the honor that God is allowing to come in your fathers name! He must have been very proud of him too!

  3. I can imagine what you must be feeling right now. This will be such an emotional trip, but just give yourself the permission to feel all that you are feeling. I'm sure your dad would be so happy. :)

  4. You are so welcome and I am so sorry about your loss. What an amazing honor to your Dad, he must have been an amazing man!

  5. How cool is that! I'm so glad you get to go and like you said you can always take the boys back there and teach them about poverty and their grandpa. It's so cool that you have so many followers. I'm not very dedicated to my blog, but I love reading others. Maybe we can catch in person one day!

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. But I think it's so wonderful that he will be memorialized with the new building in the DR. It will be bittersweet, I'm sure.

  7. What a wonderful legacy for your dad's memory.

  8. Hi Katie!
    Thanks for coming by my home!
    And the lovely comment you left me- it's just what I needed, too :)
    What a bittersweet day your day in July will be.
    I am sorry that you lost your dad, but rejoicing that you (and I- for the first time) will see him again.
    I just love blogging, too.
    I am so encouraged and loved on and it's like having hundreds of penpals all over the world, isn't it?
    What a blessing!
    Hugs to you~

  9. What an honor in memory of your dad. Although it will be a bitter sweet trip, you know your dad will be there with you.

  10. Oh my, what a wonderful dedication to your father and his loving service to the King. I'm sure the trip will be bittersweet for you. Losing a parent is so very hard. Well, losing ANY loved one is hard. Isn't it so comforting to know he is in heaven waiting for you though? That's what I like to dwell on, on the days I really miss my mom. I'm so thankful I had a christian mother to guide me, and raise me right. I know exactly what you're talking about with decorating and blogging being an outlet. Those two things wound up being an outlet for me too after my mom died. Oh, and your house is beautiful, by the way. You do a fantastic job!

  11. P.S. Love the new layout! So pretty : )

  12. You did an amazing job of mentioning so much in a short post. I hope all goes well on the trip. It will be a special time for you and your siblings.

    Stopping from Mom Loop!

  13. That's a great tribute to your dad. I hope you have a great trip, all things considered.

  14. I am so sorry about your loss. :( I can definitely understand why this is so emotional for you. I hope you are able to enjoy your trip. What an honor for your dad. :)

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad - but that's a lovely memorial to him, and I'm glad you will get to go. I hope you enjoy the trip, even though it will be an emotional journey.
