Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mom's house part two

I am continuing on the tour of my mom's house...cuz it is fun!

Don't most people like to see what others houses look like?

Or am I the only one.

Well I know there is one more person. My mom. We look at the outside of houses and dream about what the inside looks like all decorated.

Onto the tour.

Since we have seen the back of my mom's house I thought I would show you the front of mom's house.

 Mom painted the numbers on the door herself.

Now lets look into the inside of the house.

That dresser in the entry was my great great grandfather's. I remember my grandmother would always put her Christmas village on the top every Christmas.

This dresser houses my absolute favorite picture of my dad and I at my wedding.

Above it is a fun plate collage.

How fun are they!

To the left of the entry is the dining room.

I believe it is safe to say that my mom loves plates.

Her new obsession is silver along with something else that I will show you tomorrow.

My Seattle sister in law Kat and son Griffin came into town. We are having so much fun together.

Just for kicks Kat put Griffin's hair into a pony tail. Romeo couldn't stop staring at him and repeatedly asked if he was a girl. Then both my boys decided they wanted to be a girl too.

Mr. Genius would be so proud.

So here is Romeo showing off his pig tail.

And here are all three boys.

Wild Man pretended he wasn't amused.

The tour shall continue tomorrow!


  1. That is a pretty nice house! Huge!

  2. HAHAHAHAAA!! No way, I thought I was the only mom who did that to her son! My sis and I did the same thing to him, only he had THREE pig tails (1 on top and 2 on the bottom). Yeah...we're a bunch of goofballs, too, I suppose. HAHA.

    Your mom's house is gorgeous! Keep the posts comin'. I am loving getting the grand tour.

    Happy Tuesday to you, Katie.

  3. P.S. Thank you for the prayers for Kelly. She is my cousin's friend and she is not saved : ( It is so important that she makes it. We are praying that she is spared so she doesn't slip out of this world unprepared to meet the Lord.

    Thank you again for taking the time to lift a prayer up for her. I very much appreciate it!

  4. What a beautiful tour! I am a plate lover too so I can relate! You must be having soooo much fun!

    Your kids are darling...love the hairdos;)!


  5. Such a lovely home! I really like that plate display above the dresser. I've never seen a collection displayed like that...it really is fun, just like you said!

    Thanks for the tour!


  6. Gorgeous! So different than the homes here in AZ- but I am obsessed with the look of brick homes like your moms!
    I am obsessed with looking at homes too. Guess that is why I am a real estate broker! haha!
    I just finished up a "Welcome to My Home Series" of my house too last week!

  7. I hope Mom's obsession includes cleaning silver! My hats off to her, our generation is toooo lazy, even if we like the looks of it! What a beautiful house!

  8. what are you doing to my boys....! im coming on friday for sure. Definitely looks and feels like some guy time is needed again :-)
    I just hope that it settled down Wild Man for a little bit, gosh. Oh and they look weird with pig tails.

  9. I thought I was the only one who saw a pretty house and wondered what it looked like on the inside! Your mom's house is beautiful. Thanks for letting us peek inside :)

  10. Beautiful home...I love the transferware plates!

  11. Beautiful home and do nicely decorated too. I love home tours...thanks for sharing.

  12. Beautiful home! I love how she hung the plates that look like they overlap. It made such a difference! The kids are adorable!

  13. Poor boys! LOL! That is sooo cute! Hope you can save that photo forever it's precious. I'm so excited to see your mothers home. I love everything so far. I can tell she has great style I love how she has arranged her plates not only in the collage but the dining room too! Her floral arrangements are lovely too! Beautiful home!

  14. such a beautiful house! very stately and "southern". :)

  15. Stopping by from the Lady Bloggers Tea Party! LOVE your blog's title. And stunning pictures!

  16. Just a note: I love the plate collage! I must sign up to follow your blog!
