Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Heavenly Party

About a month after dad passed Wild Man would constantly ask me when Pop's (my dad) birthday was.

Dad and Wild Man (right after Wild Man's first birthday party)

I would ask why?

Wild Man would say, " Cuz God will let Pop come down from heaven to play with me that day."

Dad and Romeo

I would try to explain to Wild Man that Pop couldn't come back down from Heaven. But he would not take no for an answer. He was truly convinced that Pop would come back down on his Birthday.

But then again when you are 4 years old the MOST important day is your Birthday.

I was really concerned that Wild Man would be mad at God on Pop's birthday when he didn't see him. A friend told me to tell Wild Man that Pop will be having the biggest birthday party in heaven that day. Angels will even be there.

Once I told Wild Man that and he hasn't asked about it since.

Dad with Romeo (Romeo's 1st birthday party)

Well today is that day. 

Today my dad would have celebrated his 54th birthday here on earth, but instead he is celebrating his first birthday with the One who created him. 

Dad with Wild Man at his 4th birthday Party just 4 days before he died.

To be on the safe side I have not mentioned what this day is to Wild Man.

tuesdays unwrapped at cats


  1. How sweet...I lost my Dad in March and every time my niece sees my Mom now she asks where is Papa Charlie? We keep telling her he is in heaven...

  2. that is sooo sweet and so sad at the same time.

  3. Oh my gosh, what a sweet, sweet post. Your daddy was so young! Only 1 yr younger than my husband, and a few older than me. He appears to have been a wonderful hands on grandpa, and what a gift you had in him. Hugs to you on this day.

  4. Oh Katie, I know how your heart must hurt today. Praying for you...


  5. OH, dear Katie...we have some similarities. My own Dad celebrated his birthday (in heaven) on August 11th. He passed away 7 years ago - when I was pregnant with my first born. These photos made me smile (how young and full of life your Dad was . . .) I'm thinking of you this week.

  6. My heart goes out to you today and what a sweet post about Wild Man and your Father. Your Father looked like a happy and fun man and I'm sure you have lots of wonderful memories to cherish. I went through this with the loss of my Mother. I know it is tough. A hug to you on this day.

  7. How can someone so young die? I guess he had a big party to get to!! Hugs to you today!


  8. Oh this is just so sweet. The innocence of children...

    Hugs to you on what I'm sure was not an easy day for you.

  9. I know what a great man your dad was...and I can't begin to imagine what yesterday was like for you. I continue to pray for you all the time. Love you, friend.

  10. Praying for you and your family today. ((HUGS))

  11. i have no idea why, but this post brought tears to my eyes. feeling broken hearted for your wild man! from the looks of your pictures, his "pop" looked like one heck of a guy! hope you day goes well and your dad and wild man's pop are having one heck of a party!! on a side note, i love your blog, it's a daily read for me. so thank you for something fun to look forward to. with that being said, i must tell you a "quick" story about death and a friend. when he was little and his dad passed way too early in life, he wanted to talk to him and tell him happy birthday one year. so he wrote a note and attached it to some balloons and sent them to the sky for his dad to read.. if that doesn't break your heart. maybe your wild man could do the same for pop... :) bless you and your family on this day.

  12. thinking of you...i know that first birthday without a parent is a hard one. i lost my mom to brain cancer when she was 61. hang in there!

  13. So sad and sweet. When my little cousin's so lost his grandpa he refused to let them move his Pop's shoes 'cause he is going to come back...You got to love the amazing view of a child. A HUGE hug to you today. May a little confetti fall from the sky to your home.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to an amazing man!

  14. What a great party it will be when all of you can be back together again! Beautiful post!

  15. Katie, we also miss your dad and ya'll so much! This summer just hasn't been the same without the whole "culdesac crew".... my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  16. Hi Katie,
    My Dad passed away at age 53 this April- one month before his 54th Birthday, and on my son and daughter's birthdays. I am so sorry for the loss of your Dad- I truly know the heartbreak of losing a parent at such a young age. I take comfort knowing I will see him again one day, and I know you do as well. Your little boy is so sweet. I'm praying for you and your family.
