Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where I currently blog and my future one

Centsational Girl is having a blog party for us bloggers to show where we blog.

EVERYONE is participating.

Since I do what everyone else does...here is where I blog.

Yeah, not too exciting.

My big ol' butt sits on that big ol' chair during nap times and after the boys bed times when I am not working on a project, doing laundry, cleaning the house, or cleaning dirty hand prints from here to Timbuktu.

Right across from this seat and what I stare at all the time is this...

Which is why I believe I have done more for the these cabinets then anything else in our house.

I am really liking the cabinets white and with the blue background. It feels to light and airy. It will be like a breath of fresh air when we are stuck in the house for the 6 months of winter.

Unfortunately on the other side of my blogger butt chair is this...

So I go from light and airy to dark and depressing.

Now don't get me wrong, I think we have beautiful cabinets. They are great. But one of the first things I noticed about them, that has bugged me, is that there isn't any crown molding on the top of them.

And that really bugs me. To me cabinets without crown molding are like a woman with all her make up except for her mascara....it is just weird looking.

Sooooo... Last weekend when I was staring at these dark cabinets I mentioned to Mr. Genius that I would love the paint our kitchen cabinets white.

Have I mentioned my husband's love for dark wood?

So yeah, that suggestion didn't go over well.

Something about I have no respect for wood, I am obsessed with painting, these cabinets aren't cheap...yada, yada, yada.

Now to keep me from dreaming about a new white kitchen.

Enter my soon to be new blogger desk or blesk is you will.

I got this baby for about $20!

I think I am going to silver leaf it and put chrystal knobs on it. What do you think?

It will go in a corner in our room. So then maybe it will make me motivated to finish our bedroom before revamping the kitchen.

Or that is what we are hoping.

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  1. What a steal. $20 bucks? I did finally go to Habitat Re store and got some carpet tiles. You're bargain hunting is starting to rub off on me. Oh, and you don't have to paint the whole kitchen to get some crown moulding up on those beautiful kitchen cabinets. I know a couple tricks if you're interested. :-)

  2. Dark wood and crown moulding or not, that`s a huge and awesome kitchen! You`re really blessed!

  3. I had a teacher once that wore every bit of makeup except for mascara. SO WEIRD. Every day I thought she needs some freakin' black on those lashes before I go insane! Thank you for bringing those high school memories. haha

    Anyway, I agree Crown Molding is a must. You have a beautiful house. And some serious talent. white kitchen or not. :)

  4. I'm going on Craigs list right now. I swear you are the queen of craigs! Can't wait to see how the desk turns out. I agree on the crown molding thing.

  5. Sorry, Katie, I have to take Mr. Genius's side on this. DO NOT paint your cabinets white! They are gorgeous as they are!! White cabinets will get dirty fast anyway. Can't wait to see how your desk turns out. I plan on painting my desk sometime this fall!

  6. Oooh, I love that idea for the desk! Can't wait to see it! Why do guys get all weird when you suggest to paint something? It's not the end of the world! And sometimes, it turns out better than it began! Have faith, men. We know what we're talking about. ;)-

  7. #1: White kitchen cabinets do get quite grimy pretty quickly...I love them but they do get dirty which is annoying.
    #2: If you are complaining about your kitchen...you should see the mess I've got over here. I would kill for yours! I mean...not that I don't love fake wood laminate countertops and all...
