Monday, September 6, 2010

Our Labor Day Weekend

Don't you just love 3 day weekends?

That extra "off" day is just rejuvenating.

This Weekend, Mr. Genius ran an half marathon.

He did great! He even beat his last time by 20 minutes!

I am more impressed that he was still standing after wards. 

One day I would love to run a half marathon, but I loath running. 

It is a problem. 

So I just stand with the boys and cheer. 


One of the favorite things my mom and I do is to look at houses. 

I just love to admire them. 

Then God granted me a husband that loves to look as houses as much if not more then me.

This morning Mr. Genius said, "Today I want to take you to an area that has some really neat houses."

Well I was game, and he wasn't kidding these were some neat houses.

Not only were they neat, but they were HUGE.

Like my mortgage is their electric bill HUGE.

This is just half the house.

I couldn't get a picture of the side of the house, but I am not even kidding when I say that it was as long as half a football field. 
Like I said.


This is the side of ONE house. Yes all the way to that last peaked roof. I think they connected 3 houses to make one.

Then we found out where a park was...on the beach.

Well we weren't exactly dressed for the beach but I wanted to check it out.

We walked down this hill.

Then down these stairs.

Then there was a beach!

With a park!

This is the beach house!

Look at the walkway on the pier.

I felt like I was going back in time.

It helped that it was a beautiful day. Not too hot and not too chilly.

When we went back up the stairs and then the hill. 

Romeo wanted some water.

I noticed the water fountain looked funny.
The little part is for dogs!

How cute is that?!

Mr. Genius was impressed with the turf tennis courts.

Then we went part to our little neck of the woods...where we have only one sided water fountains. 

Sorry little doggies.

I started back at working some more on the thorn in my side project.

Ugh, I have learned alot with redoing this stinkin' table... all with the help of Christa from Modern Vintage Interiors.

I have been working on it for 2 weeks!

Here is what it looks like now and it still isn't done. I am waiting for it to cure.

This impatient person is NOT use to have to wait for things to cure. I like to begin and finish projects during a naptime. 

Hopefully I will have a completed project by next Sunday.

Then I can tell you all I have learned so you won't make the same mistakes. 

I hope you have all have had a great Labor Day weekend!


  1. Those houses are A.MAZE.ING. I would love to take a glimpse and dream. Open houses are my favorite! Looks like a good day.

  2. Where in the world did you find that beach? Looks like you had a great weekend and I'm loving the table.

  3. looks like you had a great weekend! and i am with you- would love to do a half marathon, but i don't LOVE running. i don't even really like it. i am happy with 5ks!

  4. looks like you had a great weekend! and i am with you- would love to do a half marathon, but i don't LOVE running. i don't even really like it. i am happy with 5ks!
