Monday, October 18, 2010

Oops... I did it again

Apparently project "Clean out the garage so one can park away from the snow"....isn't going so well.

Guess what I picked up.

A antique china cabinet.

I know, I know. I have no self control. But I swear I have a very good excuse for getting it.

Well two good excuses.

It is gorgeous. And it was free!!!

I don't know what is going on around here. But people are giving away great stuff for free.

You know, now that I think about it. Maybe they are trying to clean out their garages so they can park in them.

Hum...sounds like a good idea.

Oh well.

But here is the cabinet.

I think my heart skipped a beat when I first saw it.

There isn't any glass, which is why they thought they needed to give it away for free.

What ever floats your boat man.

Well I am sure you can guess what I am going to do with the doors.

I figured I will also put beadboard wallpaper on the back of the inside of the cabinet too.

Since I have a sickness and think that all back of cabinets need beadboard on them.

But the color...I just can't make up my mind.

So I thought I would let you all decide.

After all I do have the best readers in blogland. :)

To get to the poll click here and it will take you right there.

My choices are a combination of white and the blue/grey that I just painted the dresser.

But please leave a comment if you have another color in mind!

Can't wait to see what you come up with.


  1. That is beautiful! And for free!!! I think it's practically perfect already. Just take the doors in to Triple A glass for new inserts {probably about $10 per door} and flip it! Or paint it blue/grey and do whatever with the doors. I know it will turn out amazing, whatever you do. They always do!

    I'm just green with envy but also don't have any more room in my garage for more...anything!

  2. Wow, I love it as is. I have absolutely no place for it or I would buy it from you. I, personally, don't know if the wire would look right on the doors. Its such a pretty piece, I think it would clash with the style. That might just be me though. I think it would be gorgeous in a sky blue almost turquoise color with glass knobs put on. Great find!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That was free?! Such a great find!!

  5. So, chicken wire it is! LOL. The same thing is happening here, all sorts of great free stuff! I'm In Orlando so it has nothing to do with snow! I could never pass that piece up no matter how close to being a horder i was!


  6. I love how it is right now, although glass would be nice. Don't think I'd go with wire on this one.

  7. ok- this is sooo not fair!! There is never any good stuff like this on craigslist down here! Man- what a find. I love it just the way it is!!

  8. what about fabric panels in the doors?

  9. Oh my Goodness!!! FREE??? Are you serious!!! That cabinet is GORGEOUS!!!

    It'd be beautiful in any color! Fabric in the opening or nothing...with curves like that...who cares! ;)

  10. Wow, beautiful and free. What could be better? And I'm with you on the garage problem. Just when my husband thinks he might be getting his space back, I come home with something new!

  11. Oh, This cabinet is gorgeous! I would paint it a creamy white and put lace panels or fabric in the doors. Can't wait to see it finished!

  12. WOW it is lovely and you can't beat free :)

  13. Wow! I can't believe the stuff you find! Amazing! Not only do we not have free stuff like that around these parts but even the stuff posted for sale on Craigslist here in Knoxville totally stinks. I mean, there is never something classic and study for sale here... just 70s, 80s or 90s junk.

  14. that piece is gorgeous! I would have snapped it up in a heart beat as well. Love the curves. Good luck painting it. Can't wait to see the finished project
