Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's Craigeasy!

I do realize that this will not come to a surprise to anyone. But...


I will shout it from the rooftops...I am not ashamed to tell anyone!

I don't think I have bought a piece of furniture the past year that hasn't been from craigslist, oh wait just one. But still... I have gotten A LOT of furniture from that beloved site!

When I look on craigslist I really only scroll down to see which one has pictures, so when I heard about CRAIGSEASY will only show you the pictures from your craigslist search...I was all WOOHOO!

That will save some time!!

This is what is free in Chicagoland as we speak that Craigseasy showed me!

A twin bed and some law books!
Neither are close to me so not planning on getting out to get those today, but you get the idea that you can only see the posts with pictures...which most of us only look at anyways.

Go and try Craigseasy..You will not regret it!

Oh and the best news of all is FREE!!

Don't forget about my giveaway going on right now!


  1. Craigslist is awesome! I'll check it out~

  2. I have to say...Seattle Craigslist continues to disappoint me :( I've been looking for a dresser for Griff for 2 weeks. I'm not being's impossible here. I'm moving to Chicago!
