Monday, December 6, 2010

Our Mantle Alternative

First of all I need to add a little note to yesterday's post about mom nursery.

That would be for grandbabies...not coming from this house that we know of anytime soon.

I didn't really clarify that the nursery was for grandbabies, I guess I just thought it was obvious. I mean can't you all read my mind? ;)

Ok now that I have that off my chest lets move on to more fun Christmas decorations, shall we?

This year I added the glitter letters to my mantel.

Which I just adore.

The problem is that I felt that if I put the stockings up it would take away from the words.

So where to put the stocking?

Finally I came up with a solution.

Our Staircase!

I thought it would be a neat alternative to ones who do not have a fireplace.

Hope you are getting done with your Christmas shopping!

I am so close I can taste it!


  1. Don't you just love how your staircase decorations pop against that white background!?

  2. Love the letter garland on the fireplace - perfect for Christmas. Also, how clever to put the stockings along the stairs. It all looks wonderful.

  3. that's exactly what we did. the first year we hung them right under the banister, which was fine until gifts were actually in them. now we hang them by the actual stairs, like you show. great minds, right?

  4. love it!!! So were did you get those super cute stockings? I've been trying to find some coordinating cute stockings for out house, but so far no luck.
