Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In the winter...I become a hoarder

As soon as the winter hit here in Chicago, I closed my little shop. Partly because the paint is frozen and my fingers will fall off if I am out there for too long.

I did get a little heater but the cold here just laughs at it. Even if I am standing right in front of the heater I can't even feel it.

Although I have really enjoyed this little break. I have gotten back into a routine with cleaning and laundry and now I am actually cooking things! Before I would just through whatever meat in the oven or crock pot and then heat up whatever vegetables we had on hand. What ever seasoning that first fell into my hand when I opened up that door was the most creative I got.

I am now able to really look on the inside of my house and see what needs to be done with it and have the time to think about what I want to do in each room.

So the cold here has been a good thing.

But it hasn't stopped me from still shopping around for furniture!

It is starting to be a problem...but I will hang them from the ceiling if I have to, in order make room.

Here is what I have waiting in my garage for me to paint at this point.

I have two of these chairs.

I love the little detail on the bottom shelf. I am thinking maybe a turquoise on this one.

 antique mirror.
It doesn't have as much detail as I would like, but it came with the table I just showed you. So I will figure something out with it. Maybe a chalkboard.

This used to be a sewing table.
 The sewing machine was already taken out.

I am really thinking about copying Sausha @ Show and tell with this one by making it into a TV console. You think she will get mad? Copying is the highest form of flattery right?

This one I am MOST excited about redoing. I am thinking a combination of Yellow, black, and gray. Although I will miss the shelving it provides right now.

Sorry bad picture, but I am sure you can tell it is an antique dresser.

Gotta decide on a fun color on this one to.

Even more chairs!

Phew! Looking at all this furniture makes me wanna start sanding and painting right now....that is until I walk outside.

Are there some projects you guys are waiting on til it warms up? Or am I the only wussy that can't deal with the weather right now?


  1. Those are some great pieces! Would a couple of space heaters surrounding you help?

  2. I have a few pieces in my garage waiting on me, but I am waiting until it warms up too. And I live in Mississippi!! This year it has been REALLY cold though! Well, cold for Mississippi that is. :)

  3. You have some wonderful goodies in there!! I have resigned myself to painting furniture in the breakfast room off the kitchen!!

  4. You've got your work cut out for you but I totally understand not being able to work in the cold.
    Im loving that piece shown in the back of your vehicle. Maybe its just my screen but it looks gray. If its not already, I think itd be a great piece in that color...or any color really. Its a unique shape.

  5. I can't wait to see these pieces when they are finished ;-)

  6. I am excited to see what you do with the chairs. My grandmother is giving me chairs that look very similar to the first one you showed with the flowers on the top. Please show how you change the fabric, because mine needs to be changed desperately!

  7. This seems like such a fun thing to do, but I guess I'll need to wait until after uni to have the money. :P Can't wait to see what you do with the dressers! :)

  8. You have some really beautiful pieces there! Want to donate to furnish my new house? ::snort::

    New to your blog. Some cool stuff you are working on. Plan on coming back again.

  9. OMGoodness...are you serious? I am soooo jealous of your stash! CanNOT wait to see whatcha do with them!
