Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My newly painted dining room

First let me start you off with what our room looked like before.

Just a bland room.

The sad thing is this is the first room you see in the house from the front door.

Plus our foyer is really just a skinny hallway.

Remember...a table doesn't even fit in it.

With our foyer being so skinny I thought I would make it feel bigger by painting the dining room the same as the foyer.

So to Sherwin Williams I went and got my Blonde color and was ready to get my painting on. I also decided that I wanted to continue the board and batten that I have in the foyer too.

Unfortunately I looked in my wallet and noticed that I didn't have enough money to buy all the 1x4s to do the job.

Insert an adult woman having a big 2 year old temper tantrum right here. 

Image from here

Then I remember how the Nester did board and batten by getting her local hardware store to cut some mdf boards for her.

Image from here

Insert an adult woman doing the happy dance here.

That is what we did!

Mr. Genius went to the Home Depot here and got two Mdf board and got them to cut it down and it cost 25 cents a cut. The total cost was $79! If I got the 1x4's it would have been $140!


And up they went...

And here it is all done with that painting.

Ahhhh, much better.

Please note the toys that were quietly moved right back under the table before a bite of breakfast was made.

But I would love to say that this is the after picture. But this would be more accurately portrayed as the during picture.

Today I went to Joann's and checked out a slew of fabrics.

I have been dying to recover my settees that were my great grandmother's on my dad's side.

Cuz let me tell you...these chairs have definitely seen better days.

But they have great bones.

I also want to paint the mirror white.

Well I actually already started...cuz I have a sickness.

I am also trying to figure out what I want to do with the corner cabinet.

The picture makes it looks all pretty and shiny. But let me tell you, in person it is in rough shape.

I can't decide on the color...white?... pale blue?... light green? I just can't decide.

Also you may have noticed the new light fixture.

It was a craigslist find...I know...big surprise.

I love this light, not so sure about the color of the lamp shade. So we will see what I will do with that.

So there is it folks, my dining room in the during phase.



  1. I think a medium toned gray would look fantastic on your china cabinet and would go well with any of the fabrics you're looking at for the settees. It's lookin' great!

  2. WOW!! I love the two toned look. You guys did a great job. Cannot wait to see more progress...I'm in the process of recovering our sofa. Yikes. Good luck! = )

  3. Ok did you find that fabulous light fixture on CL?! Its amazing!
    Feel free to come on over to my blog for a week full of giveaways. You wont be disappointed. There will be a giveaway every day and you'll have a week to enter each one:)

  4. I love how you did the board and batten.

  5. Katie,
    WoW! What an amazing job you've done, dear! I'm loving the batten board. . .definiately traditional.
    I also, adore the contemporary lighting fixture. The blend is gorgeous. I did enlarge one of your photos and those drapes are stunning. They would accentuate the waverly fabric on the far left for your settees! Keep us updated on your progress!

  6. Hi there, visiting you from Metamorphosis Monday -- love what you're doing with the room! I'll be interested in seeing what fabric you pick... and i'm thinking maybe paint the corner cabinet in a high gloss color to go with the fabric?

  7. Wow what a great job you've done. Love the light fixture. I am hosting a blog party. Please stop by and join in the fun at Thanks.

  8. Great post, Love the choice of colors :)

  9. it's gorgeous, i love the settees, i want to do something like this in my next house. love the fabric choices too, and you are so right it is a sickness. i would love it if you shared it at my party.

  10. this is great, I can't wait to see it all done! it is amazing already how different it looks right now!!!Great job!!!

  11. It's looking lovely! Any of those fabrics would look great on the chairs. I think a pale blue gray on the cabinet would really make it pop, and I personally love the shade on your new's really pretty.

  12. Your dining room looks great! I LOVE the light fixture. Great Craigslist find! I actually just did a post on how much I love Craigslist :)

  13. Wow, I love the changes you made! The board and batten look great and I really love that light! Can't believe you found it on CL. I also vote for the fabric all the way to the right. I know you didn't ask, lol, but I really like it :)

  14. the room looks great and i'm drooling over your new light fixture!

  15. Nice change! Sure, it’s not a lot, but the new paint improved the appeal of the room. It looks brighter, warm and lively that its previous shade. It’s been a long time though, did you change the wall paint since then? – Latoya, Texture Coating Specialists
