Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My secret weapon and I am already thinking of winter

First of all I came on to check my blog yesterday since I got emails from photobucket that there are some issues (which they still are). But I didn't notice them for too long because what stuck out for me was the fact that I have 1000 followers! WhooHoo!

Welcome new followers! This blog started four years ago just simply to share stories about my boys because I am not a scrap booking type of mom. Then when my dad very unexpectedly passed away on December 2 of 09. I needed an outlet. I wasn't really able to mourn...the way I wanted to...because I have two little guys to care for that didn't want me to lay around in bed all day.

So to get rid of some stress and to have an outlet I started doing projects around my house.

Here is the first one and then the second one. After a lot of projects in the house I started doing furniture and from there I got the where I am now, which is to sell furniture....along with projects in the house when I have the time.

I mean really does projects around the house ever really end? ;)

One question I get asked a lot is how do I find the energy to do all this work when I am keeping up with the boys? Mostly people I know in real life ask me that since well they see my boys and how crazy active they are.

To do my projects I work during nap/quiet time and then after the boys go to bed for the night. This is also the time I blog...which is why it is hard for me to blog everyday. Especially when I am working on projects.

But the middle of day is my drowsy time of day. A lot of time I am ready to lay down and take a nap when my boys do. I needed to find a way to get some more energy but I do not drink cokes.

Now remember I am from the south, so every carbonated drink is a coke ;) Pepsi=Coke, Dr. Pepper=coke and of course Coke= Coke.

I can see why people get a little confused when talking to me...

So I guess it is time to show you my secret weapon.

A while back I noticed that Shaklee had this pomegranate flavored tea mix that helps to give you energy.

It is a natural way to give me a little pick me up. I have been using it when I needed it for the past 3 months. It totally works! Love this stuff! It tastes good too.

The tea is $29.95 but I see if you are a member it is $25.45.

On a side note... Debbie told me that this month Shaklee is running a earth day special where with a $30 order you can become a member for free! Meaning you can get the discounted prices and other special promotions.

If you have questions Debbie is a wealth of knowledge!

So that is what I use to give me that extra energy to sand, strip, and paint my furniture while still keeping up with my boys.

I have been working on quite and few pieces that I plan on showing you soon!

I am really enjoying the warmer weather so I can redo all this furniture. I get such a high when the piece is finished! I feel so much happier when I have this outlet.

Even though it is FINALLY warming up around here...still jacket weather, but warmer. I am already thinking about a way to work in my garage over the winter.

Am I sad or what?

I keep thinking is there a way I can still do this in the winter?

I ran across this website called earthwhile that sells high quality products that help save energy.

When I hear save energy, I hear...holds heat in your house! So I went searching along the site and saw that they have garage door insulation!!!

Oh earthwhile garage door insulation, you had me at hello.

For some reason it wouldn't let me copy a picture from their site. So you will have to check it out for yourself.

OH and they also have this chimney balloon...has anyone else heard of this? It keeps your chimney from being drafty. Um, yes please. Is it getting obvious that I am not a fan of Chicago winters?

Hope everyone is having a beautiful day like we are. 


  1. Congratulations on 1,000... I recently started following so I'll pretend that I'm integral to this milestone! LOL

    I'm definitely not thinking about winter, that last Chicago winter is still too fresh a memory in my mind. I'm thinking about summer! Oh, but if it snows like they are calling for on Saturday I'll be thinking about moving!

    Love you blog, thanks for what you do!

  2. Congrats, I'll have a coke on you (Dr. Pepper please) :) It is definately a southern thang.
