Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oh wait, I really do need a logo

So my ADD took over my blogging brain again.

Sorry you had to witness that...

Today I posted about all my projects and also in the title I wrote how I need a logo.

Then the post got insanely long and my small attention span went on to other endeavors and I forgot to tell you about the logo I need.

So here I am now...telling you about the logo I need.

So I am calling all people who can make logos or if you know someone who can make logos.


Here is the dealio.

I have been selling all my furniture on Craigslist. I would love to get my name out in my little local area.

My neighborhood has a HUGE garage sale every year the weekend before mother's day.

So I thought that along with getting rid of all the extra crapola that I have accumulated, I could also have some of my furniture out to show what I do. I don't expect to sell too much since I will not have then at garage sale prices. But I can get people interested.

I thought that I could hand out business cards.

But this is when I realized a problem. Impatiently praying for patience is not exactly the right name for a painted furniture business. Don't ya think?

So the brain storm for a name began.

I wanted a name that gave a nod to my dad since he is the reason I got started in all this anyways. So I came up with SPOTTED WOOD INTERIORS or just SPOTTED WOOD.

Some may think that is a strange name, but some of you that know me in real life will know that the name is a warped version of my maiden name.

So here's where the logo comes in.

Anyone got any ideas for a logo with that name? I am just blank when it comes to that.

So my plea is... please help me my faithful friends.


  1. Oh asked me about this at some point last month, didn't you? Sorry I never responded. I meant to. But I was working on getting this hoss of a bambina to come out and play. I love Spotted Wood though...very cute! I stink at logos though so I bet someone with more creativity will help ya out. If I do have an epiphany I will let ya know :)

  2. On your business card you must poke a hole through one of the spots with a hole punch. You can do it while you are watching HGTV! Love the name.

  3. Wierd, the first thing that came to mind is a wooden spotted owl.

  4. Logos are fun.. I was bored, designed one up for you and I've been trying to email it to you.. but the email link is saying 'The specified module could not be found.' What's your email addy? :)

  5. Oh wow, Thanks! My email address is impatientlypraying(at) gmail (dot) com.

    Thanks Bizzy mom!

  6. Hmm what about a wood grain that incorporates a knot of wood as the letter o in spotted or wood?
    Just a thought, good luck!
