Friday, May 20, 2011

Winner of NYR and my new hobby this summer

Time to announce the winner of NYR Organics Rose Polish!

To find out the winner to this giveaway go and look at my giveaway page. Here


  1. That is just too cute!

    I might need to learn how to crochet just to make that!

  2. oh man, I just made another one of those (adult size) a few days ago. Most crocheted things like sweaters and blankets take a while, like a lot of 'a whiles'. BUT beards are almost instant gratification! In a few hours you have this amazing thing! I highly recommend learning to crochet for beards, hats. fingerless gloves and scarves since they make great gifts for little ones and are needed every year since they grow so fast!

    good luck! beards are oh so, so fun...

  3. I see the Santa one in your brothers future! How cute is that.

  4. This made me laugh! My boys would have so much fun with hats like this. I don't know how to crochet either so maybe it's time to learn! I'm so glad you shared this!

  5. k, I can teach you how to crochet...just come over here and help me with Grant's train and then we'll crochet! Just come on a weekend day or evening and we'll get it done!! :) That way we don't have to worry about the kids! HA! :)
