Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why do I even bother?

Mr. Genius' parents are coming in this weekend. So I thought it would be nice for them to actually have sheets on the guest bed and maybe a clean towel for them to use to dry off their bum.

Not to mention that we like to wear clean clothes, and we were about to not be able to.

So Mr. Genius and I started cleaning the house. I turned on a movie for the boys and asked them to stay in the den.

The good news is they obeyed me!

The bad news is that when Mr. Genius and I were done doing a quick cleaning of the house the den looked like this.


Then Wild Man wanted some apple and while I was drinking some water. He started choking and the sacred look on his face freaked me out even more.

In the panic I dropped my glass which shattered EVERYWHERE then Wild Man threw up all over the floor.

So Nana and Paw-paw... we tried.



  1. OH crack me up! Did he get sick from choking? I hope that's all it was! No worries, you house looks AMAZING! Seriously! You've done a tremendous job! See you tomorrow night! :)

  2. Hilarious Katie, sounds like you and I are having the same kind of week!!
    Just keeping it real......:-)

  3. A day in the life of a mommy, huh? You tried for sure, but that would have freaked me out to have my little guy start choking, too.


  4. Oh my! Glad nobody got seriously injured. I feel like I'm peddling backwards this week too. Must be in the air!

  5. I'm glad they stayed in the den like you asked! :) I'm stopping by from New Friend Friday @ the Girl Creative. I hope your weekend is great! I'm sure Mr. Genius's parents will understand!

  6. Greetings from Malaysia! Found you through Friday Follow and I'm a new follower!

    Come on over to my blog at

    Would appreciate if you follow me back! :D

    Btw, we are in the midst of decorating our toddler's playroom... we are currently using our bedroom for his playtime, so its a mess everytime... sigh...

  7. Oh no! Sometimes our best efforts get tangled up with other things. So glad WM was ok though.

    Happy FF!

  8. haha, totally understand your pain!! so sorry!

    Glad I found ur blog~ Your boys are adorable! I have 3 of my own =)

    Happy FF!

  9. lol. The life of a mommy!!! I bet they'll understand. :)

  10. New Friday Follower! Love the blog!

  11. New from Friday Follow... This post reminds me SO much of, ME! lol My little tornadoes are constantly undoing what I have done! Hope you follow me back! :)

  12. Hang in there! :) Just visiting from Friday Follow to wish you a great weekend.


  13. glad he was ok!

    this is so true-my kids were on break this week and I'd pick up a room, turn around and wonder what I did!

  14. I had to giggle a little when I saw your photos...for the simple reason that if I slide my eyes off my screen, I'm looking at pretty much the same carnage in our family room. I also have two little boys and try to look at the mess as proof a good time was had in that space. (=
