Saturday, July 17, 2010

The scentsy Winner

To find out the winner please go to my giveaway page



  1. I feel for you! My husband just left for 4 weeks, so it's just me and the girls, 3 and almost 2 = drama and disaster! That means it's just me listening to my shrieking girls for the next month, if we are still alive and sane by the time he gets home it will be a miracle! Glad your hubby is back!

  2. It too me a while to figure out just where I was supposed to be choosing my *peep of the week* for this week's Chic Click Carnival. Before I figured it out I had already linked to you so I left your link in place. LOVE the name of your blog!

  3. I am there. I want in the loonie bin more than anything! I don't ever get a break from my kids! Ever! I never have date night with my hubz and I barely even know him anymore! I hate it. I was in Target and my almost 3 year old was heaving stuff off the shelves because he couldn't have anything and I was just standing there crying! Helpless. Totally Spent! I called my husband screaming CALL YOUR MOTHER AND TELL HER TO COME GET HIM!!!!! I NEED A BREAK!!!!! .... That was 3 weeks ago! I feel like our family just turns their back on us whenever they have a chance! BAH HUMBUG! So here I sit, hiding in our bedroom, while my amazing husband does everything downstairs just so I can gain some sanity back before I do it all again tomorrow! *Tears* ... So yes I am right there with you!!
