Sunday, August 1, 2010

Make a message

I have waaaaaay too many picture frames.

Yet I won't get rid of any of them.

Remember this project?

9 frames!!

And there are still too many to admit to in my basement, just sitting there.

Here is one more picture frame I took out of the stash.

This is wild man at 3 months!

How I miss that sweet baby face.

I did take that sweet picture out and made it into a dry erase message board.

With a message that I need to remind myself of everyday...many times a day.

This board will also be good for reminding the boys of things.

If the glare is too much, it says,  

Hands belong on the outside of your pants.

Ah the life with boys.

The problem is, they can't read yet.

So the board will more then likely be made to keep up with our weekly schedule.

I realized looking at the picture that it looks like on Monday that poo is on the list of to do. But that would be pool.

But a poo with a successful wipeage of thyself would be a wonderful thing in this house.

Other then that, not much going on this week.

I will be showing how I made this later on this week.

I am beat and am going to sleep.

Nite, nite.

I am posting to these parties.

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  1. ok, first, love the message board...I, too, have a lot of frames but don't want to get rid of them. I will be making one of these this week! Second, I LOVE the message about the pants...I have 3 boys, and that is sooo true! I was laughing out loud-you are too funny. Thanks for sharing!! :)

  2. I remember when my now 29 year old sone was little! I use to say "now let go of that!" Do they ever? Probably just more discreetly!


  3. Great idea! I'm going to copycat! Also, love the comment for little boys...I always catch myself saying, "it's not a toy!"

  4. Hey, there's nothing wrong with reminding oneself to go #2. But going to the pool is waaaaay nicer. :-) Can't wait to see the tutorial!

  5. Love the Dry Erase Board!
    Neat idea!
    Stopping by from Met Mon!

  6. Love that post! Even if it says poo.;) I love reading your blog;)Alyssa

  7. Adorable...and I will copy!! Love the "poo" comment, because that is what I thought it said!! ha!

  8. I have a five year old son and we are so in that stage...please stop grabbing yourself...and its worse in situations where he is nervous so that means when we are out in public I have to constantly remind him his hands belong elsewhere. I am told this is just a boy thing -I just don't understand.

  9. Great project! What mom can't use a dry erase board?!

  10. Very neat! I've been wanting a dry erase board but couldn't find one that I liked. Yours is a great idea :)

  11. First, the dry erase idea is genuis !! Second, I love the message to your boys. I always say You can let go it's not going anywhere. They apparently do not believe me.
    Third I found you thru Making the World Cuter Monday and you definitely have a new follower !! Just from this post I see we have much in common !!

    Stop by and "visit" me sometime !

  12. hahaha, poo.
    Yeah, boys. Right now we have a 15 month , 18 yr boys, my BIL who is 24 (going on 13) and the hubs. Yeah, entertaining to say the least.

  13. i love frames too! Those green ones are so cute!

  14. This is fantastic - definitely will be checking through my stash of frames to try this out!

    And I too could copy the message about pants and hands . . . I love being a mommy to a boy, they are so carefree about some things.

  15. Simple and smart, I love it! :) (And I've got three boys of my own...'nuff said!)

  16. Wild Man and Romeo have one funny and craft Mama! Cute idea!

  17. Great idea, my son would also love something like that in his room.

  18. Very clever! I'm hosting We're Organized Wednesday this week and would love for you to join the party. There's a great giveaway too. Hope to see you there.

  19. I love the burlap and frame color. And I LOVE the quotes.
    This weekend I am hosting a party about words/quotes (The Weekend Word Search). Please consider stopping by. This project would be a great addition!

  20. I think we're living the same life. Boys are fun, aren't they? And, with 3 kids being potty trained, poo is the theme of most of my days. Sadly. Love the color of the frame! Very cute.

  21. That's hilarious! if only my boys could read, it'd say the same thing!! Very clever, and i LOVE the color:)
    Visiting from
    Come by and check out the giveaway going on right now!!

  22. I love this idea. I am so replacing the ugly white board on my fridge with one of these babies!

    I am a new follower!


  23. Great job. My daughter makes these for gifts. They are a big hit with the teenagers. ~~Sherry~~

  24. I think this is great, but I am kind of worried about my kids accidentally breaking the glass by knocking the frame off the wall. Instead of glass, I think it would be okay to use Plexiglas or a thick sheet of plastic.

  25. Wow! Now, this really looks good!
    I am not just saying that, I would do it in a heartbeat!
    Have a great weekend and thank you for sharing!

  26. Oh man, i love the burlap! what a great idea. So glad i popped by from kojodesigns!

  27. I don't think you can ever have too many frames. Great use of this one!

  28. ohhh, I have tons of frames too!
    great use of this one. (cute baby pic)

  29. Such a great idea!
    Thanks for linking up!
