Thursday, October 14, 2010

I couldn't help myself

Remember how I told you that I am working really hard to clear out my garage before the impending winter?

After all it was just two days ago when I posted that.

When one is trying finish what is already started and not add anymore, one should really not look on Craigslist.

Because one will find a beautiful chest that will call one's name and one would not be able to do anything else until it is in one's possession.

Just take a look for yourself.

The top opens and inside is a perfect cedar chest!!!

I LOVE this piece.

But I actually have made some progress on the project "Be able to park in the garage again".

I am just about finished with this dresser.

This one has got a story too, but I will save it for when I show you the finished product.

On a side note I would like to give a little warning out to Southwest Airlines.

Dear Southwest,

There is a lady named JJ that is relying on you to get her up here to see her two grandsons. She hasn't seen them since the 4th of July. If you would not like your head bitten right off your body, it would be in your best interest to not delay her flight again.

Thank you


  1. AHHH! I LOVE that cedar chest!! How much did it cost?!?!

  2. Ok, now, no biting heads off.....Just smack um LOL! Love the chest. i am redoing a dresser now also and yep, my car is in the driveway!


  3. I am also trying to clear out my garage before winter, but I keep finding new pieces that I just can't walk away from! My very patient husband just shakes his head!

  4. Fun, I ran into your blog name on either Lowes or Home Depot web site. So fun to see your project about the project you painted with chicken wire front.

  5. Don't feel bad..I think it's illegal to not buy a chest like that when you get the chance...
