Sunday, May 15, 2011

Updated Giveaway and a happy mistake

First of all I am sure that most of you have heard some buzz about blogger being all messed up over the last week.

In that little mess up a lot but not all of the comments that were left on my giveaway were lost and never to be found again.

What to do, what to do.

The only thing I can come up with is for everyone to go back to the giveaway here leave another comment (but check to see if your comment was one of the few that was left) and then I will announce the winner this friday...that is unless blogger decides to go crazy again.

So go on back to the old post and leave up to 3 comments to win your own tube of Rose Polish to get your beautiful radiant skin back, organically.

Now onto showing you what my happy mistake was.

I got this beauty a little while back.

Well actually the whole thing was oak but I started priming and then realized I needed to take a before picture.

I had this vision of making this a bold yellow. The lines are kind of modern and I thought a bold color would be fun.

Kind of like the feel of these.


Unfortunately the color wasn't a bold modern yellow but more like a country light yellow. Very sad. 

So I decided to just paint over the yellow with my new fav cloudburst

Then a great thing happened when I went to distressed the edges just a tiny bit the yellow showed through and I just love it!

Sometimes mistakes can be turn out to be ok. 

Who knew?!

I am linking to these parties.


  1. That looks really good with the yellow showing through! What a wonderful "mistake". lol

  2. love it. just looks distressed through the years.

  3. Your table looks beautiful!!

  4. What a great shape to that table, Katie! I love the blue.

  5. Love the shape of that table. Great transformation!

  6. Your so right! I love when you make a mistake and it's actually a good mistake! I love the color you choose for this table! I found your blog through Someday Crafts! I’d love if you stop by Sew Woodsy and link this project up!

  7. I looove the shape of this table! And the blue with the accidental yellow? Brilliant!

  8. Me likey! What a sweet little table you have there! Saw this at House of Hepworths and had to check it out. Thanks for sowing

  9. Great transformation. I love the yellow peaking through! Visiting from TT&J.

  10. Love the table, the blue color and the yellow peaking through!

  11. Love the table, the blue color and the yellow peaking through!

  12. Love your table, it turned out darling!!!

  13. Love the color!

    And can I just say that the name of your blog pretty much sums up my life in 4 words?!!

  14. That's wonderful that your project turned out better than you thought! It's looks great!

  15. So pretty!! I am visiting from Tatertots and Jello and I would LOVE if you could link up your awesome post to my very first crafty linky party! This is the first week of Delicately Constructed Fridays and I would really appreciate the link!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  16. Adorable! I love the little peek of yellow.

  17. Gorgeous color! I love those happy accidents, like when two things get next to each other in your closet and you find out you have an outfit you didn't know was there!

  18. happy accident indeed! it's gorgeous. well done!

  19. Looks Great!! Love the Yellow showing through

  20. Visiting from 'Under the Table...'

    Love the shape of your little table and love the way it turned out!

  21. Happy mistakes are the best kind to make! Nice job! Jen @

  22. love this! i'm starting to embark on the journey of refinishing furniture & i'm loving all the possibilities. the yellow under the blue is PERFECT! xox
