Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My mom's house the finale

Don't worry I didn't forget to finish the tour of my mom's house.

If you missed the first of the tour, you can see my mom's house here, here, and here

The problem was the we had 1, 2, 3, and 4 year old all staying in the upstairs of my mom's house. And two mom's who were not at home so therefore not as neat and tidy.

We were also a little lazy, ok I was just the lazy one and didn't feel like cleaning the chaos. All that makes for a not clean upstairs.

So lazy me asked mom to send pictures after we left and took the chaotic kids with us.

With no further ado, here is the upstairs to mom's house.

When you go up the stairs this table is what you will see.

The black and white silhouettes on the bottom center are actually me and my brother, Andrew, when we were 6 and 3...I think. Our youngest brother, Reid, wasn't born yet.

To the right is the guest room that my brother Andrew and his wife Kat usually stay in.

You may remember that room when I showed my cruelty by displaying our Elf on the Shelf on top of the picture.

Why would this be so cruel? Well that is because my Sister in Law Kat has a strong fear of dolls. not tell me your fears because then I will have to play tricks on you.

It is in my nature. I can't help it.

You have now been forewarned.

Next up is the playroom.

Isn't it just so cute?

I just love the Ballard design shelves above the cabinets.

Here is the other side of the room.

The day bed is where Wild Man sleeps. Eventually... when we are brave enough, all the grand boys will sleep in here. The day bed is from Ikea and pulls out to make a king bed. I am pretty sure that there will be less sleeping in that room and more giggling and wrestling, when all 4 grandsons sleep together. Which will call for less sleep throughout the whole house.

But imagine the memories that will be made. :)

Here is the room that Mr. Genius and I usually sleep in when we visit.

The bed came with the house and even though it is very pretty, My mom calls it pointless, due to the fact that the side bars go all the way to the floor. So then she can't store anything underneath it. No storage = pointless to mom.

Remember that you may be tested on that later. ;)

Mom also sent me a picture of her bed.

Part of her bedroom.

By the way for the family that reads this blog...I claim the desk and the turquoise table.

Although I am pretty sure my brothers didn't even notice that she had a desk or turquoise table in her room. So I think I am safe.

Also here is part of mom's bath.

Hope you all enjoyed mom's house tour.

I can guarantee that every time I go visit, there will be new decor throughout that I can show you.

This post was sponsored by:

Don't forget Little Lesiw big sale right now to help pay for her adoption!


  1. Lord, Mom's house is gorgeous, i can see why you wanted to share it! The kids get a playroom how cute........Clowns, I'm afraid of clowns ha!


  2. Sooo, could you ask your mom when would be the best time for me to move in? GORGEOUS!

  3. It looks so much prettier now that the chaos has left! I miss it! I wish my house was that pretty! We call the room we stay in the 'love shack' because we usually haven't seen each other for weeks when we meet up and stay there...too much info?? Sorry! Don't read that, Jane!

  4. So beautiful...almost too nice for 4 little boys...ha ha. Her bedroom is amazing.

  5. Your mom's home is so beautiful! I really love her bedroom! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Beautiful, light, and clean home. Thanks for sharing, I need to clean up mine now after seeing this one!

  7. Thank Mom for the tour!! I enjoyed it very much! She has a beautiful home and you have great guest rooms to stay in when you visit!

  8. I would just live in the playroom. Is that alright?

  9. Gorgeous! I love your mothers style so much! Her bedroom is so wonderful too! So light and airy! I love the mirror in between the two tall lamps. I know how much fun all your boys are going to have in that room! I have 2 older boys and my two brothers each have 1 boy. So our family get togethers at my mothers were always about the boys..and kinda still are even thought they are all teens, almost young adults now! LOL! Beautiful home, thanks for sharing it with us!

  10. Ooo, I love that desk! And the playroom--how fun!! Thanks for stopping by a dash of parsley last week!
