Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Christmas Tree

Sarah is hosting a Christmas tree party. For everyone to show off their Christmas trees.

You should check it out cuz there are some amazing trees over there.

Since I am a sucker for a good is ours.

I am a collector of Christmas ornaments. Whenever we go on a trip my goal on every trip is to find a Christmas Ornament.

Every year I love pulling them out and remembering trips we have been on.

This ornament is of the Biltmore Estate in Ashville, NC. I bought it the day Mr. Genius proposed to me. He gave me high hopes of a house to propose to me in front of this one. ;) We also just found out that Mr. Genius' cousin got engaged in the same spot!

Got this one when my whole family went on a trip to St. George's island in FL.

Bought this one on our honeymoon. It is from our cruise ship. Oh how I loved that trip. I would love to go on another cruise one day.

One weekend, Mr. Genius and I went on a quick getaway trip to Chattanooga and went to Rock City. I love this ornament.

Another tradition I started was getting the boys picture taken with the same Santa each year. Then my mom gets the Pottery barn frame ornaments with the year engraved on them and I put the Santa picture int it. This is my favorite thing to pull out every year. It is so fun to see how much the boys have grown.

This is of Wild Man's 2nd Christmas. We actually came home from the hospital on Christmas Day his first Christmas so we had to skip that one.

Then this one is of  Romeo's first Christmas and Wild man was just about to turn 2.

Boy did I have my hands full that year.

This was also the same Christmas I learned a new way to put on diapers in the dark. I do not recommend it.

Hope you enjoyed our tree.


  1. Your tree looks great. I just love the snow coming down your pictures!! I am a memory ornament person. About a fourth of mine are after Christmas pretty filler ornaments and the rest are memories from childhood or my children or friends!

  2. Your tree is beautiful, I loved the fact that you personalized it, it's lovely!

  3. Your tree looks so beautiful! we do the same over here, collecting ornaments from places we visited. It is a wonderful way to reminisce.

  4. That is such a precious tradition to do with the boys' pictures! We're having another boy this spring--I can't wait : )

    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas, Katie.
    Lots of love,

  5. Wait a that snow coming down on your blog?!! Ooooh I love it!!

  6. I love your mantel! I too collect trip Christmas ornaments. We haven't had a tree in over five years. Too much work for all the travel we have to do at the holidays, but when I finally do, it will be the best trip down memory lane! Merry Christmas!

  7. What a gorgeous tree! Everything is beautiful, but I really love, love, love your mantle!

    Merry Christmas...thank you for sharing your lovely home.

  8. Your tree is lovely Katie. And your mantel is stunning!

  9. Your tree and all your decorations are beautiful. Thanks for taking us on your trip down memory lane, great memories!

    merry Christmas

  10. I love a tree full of memories and yours is wonderful. Thanks for joining my party and sharing your beautiful tree and decorations. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  11. Awww.. your boys are precious! I love your tree and ornaments. I love collecting ornaments too and trimming the tree every year always brings back beautiful memories.
