Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oh...Hi there!

Is it already the end of March?

Good golly!

We have had a eventful month this past month.

It started with Wild Man going to Kindergarten orientation.

He is the one of the right and yes he is wearing an Apple jacket. Mr. Genius starts them young over here. 

Wild Man is VERY ready for Kindergarten...and momma is too. :)

We also found out that Wild Man has trouble hearing in his right ear. Nothing serious it is really just one octive out of the right ear that isn't audible. I do believe that is the same octive as my voice.

But as a precaution they wanted to do a CT scan just to make sure there wasn't a reason that the nerve was being blocked. 

Being that I am not familiar with the medical field at all I wasn't sure if the CT scan was the one where you go into the tunnel or not. So to be on the safe side I told Wild Man that he is going to get to go into a tunnel all by himself! How cool is that! It worked, he was stoked! Then he was greatly disappointed that it ended up being just a doughnut (his words) he was going into, not a tunnel. 

The results came out clear. No tumors or anything blocking the nerve!

Thank you Lord!

No matter how routine a test is, there is always a big sigh of relief when you get good results.

Once that was behind me I felt that I could work on the other settee!

Phew..all done. It will be awhile til I recover something that big. 

But I got the dining room done just in time to have a Dinner and a Diaper Dump at my house. 

Alright I realize that the name of the get together may need some explaining.

You all know what a dinner is, so I will move on to the diaper dump. A Diaper Dump is usually where someone gathers diapers from a bunch of people like a Sunday school class, then that person takes the diapers over to the person who just had or about to have a baby and then drops them off (or dumps them).  

I have a sweet friend here who is having her 3rd child, she already has two boys and decided not to find out what she is having for this child. 

Not knowing what they are having makes it a little challenging to plan a little party. I figured that no matter if it is a boy or girl they will need diapers, and since a group of us never get to talk without a gazillion interuptions from our kids I thought we would have a nice relaxing dinner and everyone bring diapers.

Hence, the Dinner and a Diaper Dump. 

I didn't do much for the party as far as decorating...cuz I was working on that settee.

But I did make a diaper cake!

*Post is their last name*

I got to bring out my glitter letters! 
I didn't get anymore pictures of that night cuz it was just so fun to celebrate my sweet friend and to talk without having to worry about my boys climbing up the walls. 
A couple of weeks ago, the boys also had thier first sleepover in Wild Man's room.

Then miracle of all miracles, it got warm enough for the first time this year to not have to wear a coat or even a jacket! So the boys thought it fitting to be Spiderman.

 Now today is a different story. It started snowing and one child started crying and the other just got mad. When you children have to be consoled because it is snowing, you know it has been a long winter.

I started a little spring cleaning. Starting with the back of my oven...Yuck!

Ok so I lied I didn't clean under the oven for Spring cleaning. A toy got lost under there and when I looked underneath, the shear dirtiness grossed me out.

So by just cleaning behind my oven does that count as my Spring Cleaning? I hope so. I am in the mood to redo furniture not deep clean. It isn't nearly as fun. 

Last week was my birthday and Mr. Genius took me to downtown Chicago for a night away. It was so nice to have a break from the boys and it just be the two of us. 

Thanks mom!

At the bottom of the train station is a french market. It is the cutest place. So may little shops with the most beautiful food.

I found this place called R.A.W., Raising Awareness Worldwide. Oh My Word. It is now my favorite place!

I would NEVER consider eating raw food but especially vegan food. Although now, if I could eat this companies food everyday I would turn vegan. Seriously it was that good. And I am a girl that has meat and/or cheese at EVERY meal.

This is what I ate.

That is Spaghetti (made from shreaded zucchini), ravioli (made from thinly sliced turnips, and nuts crushed into what looked like ricatta cheese), a little garden burger and a meatball (not sure exactly what they are made up of).

This was their sampler and I was STUFFED until the late the next day from this food. 

I seriously could go on and on about this food, but lets move on...shall we? 
I saw my first anti war protest in person.

I don't know how these people understood what the guy in front was saying cuz all I could here was "wawawawa, Put down your guns!" *people cheering* "wawawawa, Put down your guns!" *more cheering*

I do know what ever he was saying he felt VERY strongly about it.

Oh and one more thing I realized I left you guys hanging on my great rug hunt.

I found a rug!

After returning the first rug and getting another rug. I kept dreaming about the first rug. 

I am a sad person when I dream and long for rugs. 

So I took back the second rug and got the first rug again..all this happened in 3 days. 

The Home Goods rug guy knew my boys names on the last day we walked in. 

If that isn't a sign you are in there too much I don't know what is. 
But I am so happy I went back and got the rug, it may be 4 inches too short on the length. But I am happy with it.

Don't mind the Superman cape in the background

So there you have it folks, my life the past 3 weeks. 

I do have a project I can't wait to show you guys tomorrow. It is about making big chunky frames on the cheap!

1 comment:

  1. How did I miss this post? The settees are stunning! Come and see the table I did!

