Monday, June 13, 2011

Wildflower blue dresser and french side tables

I just did two different styles on these pieces cuz I like to change things up a bit.

Don't you?

That is how I make my life a little more interesting. Cuz the rest of my life is pretty boring.

Well one exciting thing for our little family is that Mr. Genius has been saving his pennies for a while and finally bought the camera he has been drooling over for a while.

Yay! So no more pictures taken by my iPhone! Well at least the after pictures.

So I good news for you guys! Better pictures!

So lets get right to it. I got this dresser. Let me tell you. This dresser is HEAVY!! But it isn't sad. :(  Just particle board.

Oh and these were taken with my phone, this is pre awesome camera purchase day.

And I also got these round french side tables.

For the dresser I used Wildflower blue spray paint. I long for the day when I can get a real paint sprayer. So until then I will use spray paint on some of my projects.

Here is the after with the awesome camera, but we did not take it inside due to the weight of it. I was not in the mood carrying this insanely heavy dresser inside just to take it right back out again.

I used the same white knobs that I used on the green dresser.

I love the simpleness of the knobs.

The doors each have a shelf inside for storage of bigger things.

Then for the french style round side tables.

I stained the top, painted the bottom white and then glazed it.

But what the picture doesn't show but you can completely see in person, is that inside the tables I painted them with the wildflower blue.

Just a little hint of a surprise.

I really like them. But alas there is no where to put them in my house.

There are available to anyone in the Chicago land area.

Now back to the fancy shmancy camera Mr. Genius got, let's compaire a picture that I took with my phone and what a picture looked like the real camera looks like. Cuz I know there are some people out there that can't tell a different...*cough*cough* mom *cough*cough*

Here is a picture taken with my phone.

Now this is the one taken by Mr. Genius.

Can see you how much clearer the picture is?

For a phone the iPhone takes incredible pictures, but I think that the canon camera is just amazing.

It is great to have a built in photographer in the family now!

He only requires payment in Dr. Pepper!

I am linking to these parties.


  1. Great colors for the furniture! The blue is a color I would not have chosen, but it looks great! That's one reason I love blogging...great inspiration from other bloggers! Inspires me to explore other options!

  2. Oh..and enjoy the new camera! I've already been promised one for Christmas. I think I can wait 6 months!

  3. Love those french tables! They would go beautifully with my french provential dresser! I would love to have a Canon Rebel! Maybe someday! Let me ask does it photograph colors correctly? I have a Canon and it changes purples to blue. We do custom baby & kids rugs and need a camera to photograph which shows the correct colors.

  4. I see it, I see the difference. And I love the side tables. Think you need to keep them. They would look great next to your bed. Just saying..

  5. I love the pieces and your new camera. Great color a pleasant surprise inside the tables :) I love your blog!!!

  6. Love your color and stain choices! What great finds. Jealous about the camera though..........still using my iphone........
    Happy Tuesday!

  7. Awesome look for the dresser and those tables are darling.

  8. Wow, the new camera certainly does make a difference. I really want a new camera but I had to purchase a new laptop.
    I love the end tables and the blue inside is just pure genesis. They won't last long. You did a fab job on the dresser? I notice a lot of people are turning vintage dressers into buffets. Great repurposing.Ginger

  9. Beautiful dresser. I love your color choice and I totally agree on not wanting to carry it inside:)

    I'm a new follower:)

  10. I love the pop of blue inside those beautiful dressers!
    (I also have a crappy camera and plenty of Dr. Pepper... does Mr. Genius make house calls...?)
    Beautiful dresser re-do.

  11. Oh, I love those French tables! I've been searching for something like those for awhile. Too bad I'm nowhere near Chicago!

  12. Beautiful blue for the dresser and love the touch of blue on the inside of the French tables.

  13. Beautiful re-do! Really like the color you chose.

  14. I love those French side tables, with their pretty legs, you did a wonderful job transforming them.
    I want them!

  15. Your tables are beautiful! Love them next to the stairwell--and loving your stairwell and wall treatment too!

  16. Love the French tables and the lattice on the dresser. Saw an octagon table with the screen on the doors like your French tables and was wondering what I could do to highlight the interior. Love your choice of blue!

    Thanks for sharing! Have fun with your new camera.

  17. Both of these projects are gorgeous! I love the hidden blue inside the little french side tables!!

  18. I hate to say it but I would have passed right by that dresser! You have made me think differently about pieces. Thanks so much!

  19. You changed the ugly duckling dresser into a beauty! Love the frenchy tables too! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Love your dresser...would love to have this in my craft room..

  21. Those all turned out great. Oooo those Frenchy side tables can come to my house! tee hee

  22. Hey !!!
    Blue dresser is awesome!you have such a creative mind. tables designs are super cool. it seems to me, you are so talented.
    Dissertation Writing

  23. Katie, I just love you! You blow me away with all you can do! Your before & afters are so awesome!

  24. Nice touch painting th blue inside the side tables- I like those kind of little details! Come and share this with WorkShop Wednesday. It would be a nice addition to the party!

  25. oak dressers

    Love your color and stain choices!tables designs are super cool.Love the frenchy tables too! Thanks for sharing!
