Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Dining table and Coat Rack

One Month!

It is been over one month since I have last posted!

Thank you to the sweet people who have emailed me to make sure I was still around.

I think it is safe to say that this summer is kicking my tail. The main thing that has changed is that Mr. Genius no longer has a home office. Which means he has to catch a train before the boys even wake up and if we are lucky he gets home just before they go to 8 pm. *Sigh*

We are trying to stay positive during this time. Especially since the reason we moved away from TN, away from all of our family, friends, and everyone we know was so Mr. Genius could get away from a schedule like this and actually spend time and be a part of this family.

Today I read the Bible verse from James 1:3-4
"Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."

So watch out people. I will be perfect after all of this. Just kidding, I will leave the perfection to Jesus.

I know that having a husband working long hours is small compared to other things going on in the world. It is just the frustration of changed plans, but we are giving it to God...daily...well actually hourly. Especially when the boys are extra crazy and I am just wanting to help to get dinner done, wanting to work on some furniture to pay for preschool, or just have a break.

Ok, ok enough about that. I have some furniture before and afters for you.

I know that is why all of you are here anyways.

So here we go. One day as I was taking the boys to our weekly library visit. For some crazy reason I decided to take a difference route out of our neighborhood. It was trash day. This day one of my neighbors decided to throw away this dining room table.

It obviously needs some work, but nothing that can't be done!

The obvious is of course the broken off leg.

I just got my gorilla glue out and let it sit for a day to get a good bond.

All done. It still has a crack in it, but I like it that way. It will give it personality when painted.

The top of the table had a lot of scratches on it, but that is expected.

Oh I also found a desk that same day, but I haven't done anything to that yet.

I used that desk as my legs for the table while I was waiting for the leg to get glued on.

With the three leaves the table came with it gets 96" long.

So I stripped and sanded the table and painted the legs.

And here is the after.

Now because it has been a month since I last posted. I will now show you another before and after.

My neighbor is a handy man that is helping a friend redo and 100 year old house in a nearby city. Some furniture was left in the house and he brought some of it to me!

One item was this antique foot board which I DID take a before picture.

Cross my heart, hope to die kind of promise I took the picture.

And I can't for the life of me find it...GRRRRR

So, Mr. Genius cut the legs off for me.

And this is what it looked like after that.

So that is an almost before picture.

Then I found a Rustoleum spray paint color called Lagoon. Added some chalkboard paint in the middle. Added some hooks and TADA!

It's a coat rack! It's a message board!

So there ya go. Some of the things I have been working on lately. Hope you enjoyed!

I am linking to these parties:


  1. love the coat rack! the color is so fun! and of course the table is a classic beauty!

  2. That chalkboard/coat rack is stunning. Great color.

  3. Ugh, I know the schedule you're on well. It's tough, but you get through it. Hope you get a little free time on the weekends.

  4. I sure hope your husbands schedule gets better. I know how hard that is. My hubby had a time consuming job...9 a.m til 9p.m. most days.
    Love the table..but the footboard in to a coat rack is the one I'm crazy about! I have two footboards in my garage waiting for me to find a reason to keep them! You just gave me a reason! Thank you for sharing!!

  5. Love that coat rack and wow, that table is amazing! Do you spray on your clear coat or do a wipe on poly?

  6. Both of your projects turned out great! I like the table painted and the coat rack color is so pretty - nice job!
    Dropping by from Met Monday.


  7. I really love this idea! Saw you on Monday Linky, Karima x
    Now google following you, would love it if you could pop by, Karima x

  8. I love them both. Amazing transformations!!! The blue on the coat rack is fantastic!!!
    So sorry to hear about your recent troubles. Hoping things improve soon.


  9. Oh, both pieces are wonderful! But may I voice my stupidity? "Footboard" from a bed, right? I mean, yeah, I'm sure that's what it is...but it's one of those 'brain hiccup' moments....

  10. What a great post! Amazing transformation! Love the blue. You got a beautiful space here. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  11. Wow talk about a creative idea.
    I bought a gorgeous aged table from a friend and all I need to do is refinish the top.
    Stop by my blog for your Sundae Scoop.

    Patricia aka Mamaw

  12. Wow I love this. I didn't even recognize the piece at first. I love the color and the finished product is awesome! I would love it if you would stop by the crafty link party I just started at and link up this post.
    :) Rachel

  13. Just loving that coat rack... and may I just say, that your chairs are spectacular! And the exact chairs I've always imagined I'd have if I had a larger size house (and possibly no kids) =D

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. I really love this!! I need one just like it, except in yellow!!

    I found you through Sundae Scoop, and I'm going to add your pic to pinterest!!

  15. Sorry your hubby is working long hours. That's tough! Love your coat rack. :) Following from I Heart Naptime link party. Would love to have you link this up to my {wow me} wednesday link party going on right now over on my blog {if you haven‘t already!}. Hope to see you there. :)


  16. Katie,
    You are so inspiring! I love the dining room table, the coat rack is such a great idea.

  17. I have a table that looks like yours. It is a Duncan Phyfe that belonged to my mother-in-law. Funny, the base of ours is broken too, but it shouldn't be too difficult to fix. Great job on the refinish, I usually don't mind painting furniture, but I don't think I'll ever be able to paint mine, (too many special memories).

  18. OH MY GOSH!! I actually OWN that table!!! It is sitting in my shed, awaiting a revamp... but I've been too chicken to get started as it is scratched and dented, and I wasn't sure of how it would all work out. I AM INSPIRED! It looks great, and I am so glad that I fought my husband over throwing it out.

    PS found you through Beneath my Heart

  19. That chalkboard/coat rack is stunning. Great color.

  20. That coat stand is really stunning. Great color.thanks

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