Friday, June 11, 2010

I have a Button!!!

Thank you to all that guided me on how to make a button!!

I stayed up late last night and did it!!

It is a very simple one cuz well that is all I could do for now.

One reader named Melinda mentioned that I should just get one of my frames and write my blog name in the middle of it.


So that is what I did.

Somehow along the way the frame went from green to torquise. Don't know how that happened, but I am just rolling with it.

So here is my button!

Now to figure out how to do the box thingy underneath so others can use my button.

One day I am going to give up and just get someone else to do all this for me.

About the same time I find that money tree in the back yard.


  1. Very cute! Thanks for the props. It looks just as I imagined it!

  2. You do know you have a brother who is a web designer right? Maybe you are too "big time" now to remember us little relatives here in Tennessee. Anytime you need help with something, let me know. I've made Jenny's banner and all the blogs I've ever done.

  3. Wow! I love it! I am excited for you!! I despretly need to take the time to create on for myself! Way to go!!

  4. Love your button!! :) I'm very excited for you, too! CONGRATS!

  5. I think it looks great! That's something I need to learn to do some day too, but my first goal is learn how to get Feedburner on my blog. So far, I've been unsuccessful.

  6. That looks really good! You have prompted me to write an article on how to code these buttons. I will be posting it tomorrow and it will also include a nifty auto-highlight feature (I found after hours of searching), so all your visitors will have to do is click on the box and the code will be highlighted.
    Thanks again for the idea :)

  7. i can give you the code for the "grab the code" button style, if you want. i love that you used your frame!

  8. I made a button too last week! I'll be posting the best and easiest blog tutorial sites next week!

  9. I don't even know what the button does so I'm impressed at your button. You've really done amazing at all of your blog stuff. I'm impressed.

  10. If you find a money tree, I volunteer to come rake your lawn this fall! ;)

  11. i've been trying how to figure out the whole button thing too. how'd you do it?
