Sunday, September 12, 2010

A redone cabinet and a question

One morning I was out for my morning walk and I noticed that one of the houses have some junk at the end of their driveway for the garbage to pick up.

Yeah, I have no pride. I dig through my neighbors garbage.

Is there a support group for people like me?

Or better for our husbands?

One of the items in this neighbors pile was this neat little cabinet that just had a door broken off.

I was about a mile from my house.

I seriously contemplated carrying this thing home, for fear some one else would take it.

I actually picked it up and walked down two houses carrying it. Then I decided to leave it.

Actually the weird looks I got from two cars passing by changed my mind.

So I hurried home, stuck the boys in the van with their pjs on and got that cabinet.

All the glass was in tack, but of course I dropped the loose door and the glass shattered.


Well the good news I got the meet a new neighbor and clean up their driveway. Unfortunately she was in a heated conversation with her husband on the phone, so she didn't see too much humor from my accidentally breaking glass in her driveway.

I will be sure to skip that house on the next neighborhood garage sale.

When I finally got home and pulled the cabinet out of the van. Mr. Genius was all, "you were worried about someone else grabbing this?! I think you would have been safe if you wanted to atleast get the boys dressed."

Whatever Mr. Logic. Where is the fun in that?!

Once the boys went down for their nap I got to have some fun with some hammers and relieve some frusterations.

First I got my rubber mallet and loosened the cabinet to get the other two doors out.

Then I got a regular hammer (thats the techinical name) to break the glass in the doors that I didn't already break.

Aren't you suppose to learn alot about people just from looking at their trash? I guess you can say we eat Spinach, drink vitamin water, and now like to break glass. Sorry we aren't very interesting people.

But it sure is fun to break some glass.

Then I painted the cabinet white.

Once that dried I got the smallest dowl rod that Home Depot offered and and used my gorilla wood glue to glue the rods into the doors.

I put on some beadboard wallpaper on the back and painted it my new fav Halycon green.

Then I glued on some chicken wire in place of the glass.

And WaLa, we have a new cabinet!!

Oh and I spray painted the knobs silver. Remember when I spray painted the side table in my den silver and I hated it? Well the not bright silver works great with this cabinet.

I think it looks like an old almost antique cabinet.

I will be putting this lady onto Craiglist.

But here is my question.

What do I call this thing?

Is it just a cabinet with sliding doors?

A pie safe?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

And as always, any Chicagolanders let me know if you would like it. I am asking $60.

I am linking to these parties.


Kenzie said...

Love it! I wish I lived closer, I would buy it! And I have no idea what to call it...can you post pics? That might help.

Cassie Bustamante said...

this looks amazing!!!! it looks so much better with the more rustic charming look. love it. and i love the fact that you saved it from ultimate death.

Susan Wyatt said...

This is your best trash to treasure yet. Very creative! And I'm disappointed that the Mr. couldn't understand the urgency in getting this thing home :)Men...

The Decorative Dreamer said...

I love what you did with this, even better then the original look. Your Mr.Logic sounds like mine. LOL! Call it vintage farmhouse! Or something like that!I love it! Hope it sells well for you!

Tanya said...

Restored barrister's bookcase?

Love what you did with this piece!

Ashley said...

I love this one! Its one of my favorites that I've seen in blogland lately! Beautiful!

Unknown said...

I have no idea what to call it, but I wanted to stop in and tell you that it looks great! Nothing like it was before. You should see if your neighbor wants to buy back from you. ha ha

~ The Speckled Dog

Shara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shara said...

That is a Lawyer's Bookcase. You can Google it to see other images just like your original version. I like your redo!

oops! said...

I can not believe you are only asking $60.00. What a steal for this! You did a great job - it looks so good! Your funny too!

Kat said...

Very fun! Love it! My brain is fried...can't think of a name. Sorry!

memakingdo said...

I love your transformation great job! I would love if you linked to my crafty link up party!

curlyQdesign said...

I love it! I can't believe you did it in one day!

cindy said...

Sooooo pretty! I love how you added personality with all those creative touches. I don't think it'll matter what you call it, you'll sell it no problem!

Anonymous said...

Your selling it?????????? Oh, I thought why is that crazy lady breaking the glass for? Wow, love the chicken wire. I just may put that in my china hutch. It has some weird metal thingy in front of the glass I don't like.

And I think you are going way too low on the asking price, even if you did get it for free.

blessings, jilly
visiting from cottage instincts

Krista said...

That turned out awesome! I love the chicken wire. Wish I lived closer :)

Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said...

OOh, I LOVE this, Katie! It's so cute! That chicken wire is such a great idea! Wonderful job, as always! :)

. said...

The chicken wire was genious!!! It turned out gorgeous!!

I'm in the middle of redoing a neighbors trashed side table. I did walk it home! I, too, have to shame. :)

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

I forgot what they call it but it's original purpose is for holding law books. I have been wanting one and they aren't cheap on Craigslist mostly because they are solid wood. Great find and I love how you transformed it!

michelle said...

That turned our beautiful!!! I love the chicken wire!

alicia said...

I love it! At first I was wondering why in the world you'd break that glass... now I know! You made it so much better! It was a barrister bookcase, but now its so much more... don't know what you'd call it. "vintage china cabinet"?
Wish I was one state over... I'd buy it!

A Whole Lotta Magic said...

I love this; what a beautiful piece!


Robin Sanchez said...

Its a lawyers bookcase and I have one just like it. I too scored this piece of furniture when my room mate was going to toss it. It had wall paper on the shelves and I removed it. I have been wanting to paint it white and now you have motivated me to do it. I love the chicken wire.....Im also missing the glass on one of the shelves. I have had the piece that holds the glass in my trunk for months intending to get it replaced........but have yet to do so.

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...

So cute!!

Bridget @ The Rehab Boutique said...

Nice Job, I would have snatched that up too!

Anonymous said...

You about killed me when you broke the glass on your lawyers bookcase. I have loved those forever. Dh found one for me at a yard sale (he was working, saw it on the driveway and stopped, all for me.)
I do like the chicken wire treatment, and it goes well with a country themed decor.
But I am not a shabby, chippy white convert for all things.
I would have given you $50 for it in the original condition, even missing the first glass door.

Lyndsey said...

Very cute!!!

Courtney said...

Are you watching the Nate Berkus show?? He just did a segment about taking freebies off of someone's curb and repurposing them. Thought of you!!! :)

Unknown said...

You are amazing Katie!!! Totally impressed:)

Jenny said...

I really like this one, Katie. I can see someone using it for multiple purposes! My mom had a similar cabinet and she kept cookbooks in it. I would be so tempted to keep it if I were you!


Christin@Pregnant with power tools said...

Visiting from Its so very Cheri... and I love it. If I lived near you I'd so buy it :)

Melissa said...

I love this so much more then the glass! I think that I will need one myself! Gorgeous!

Grammy Goodwill said...

You did a great job on this.

Mrs. Sojourner said...

Super cute; I can't believe you are selling it! A great price too. I would call it "country chic cabinet." ;)

Amanda@RelovedRubbish said...

You turned this ugly, old cabinet into something unique and beautiful! I love how it turned out and I like that you painted the inside that pale greenish blue. Very nice!

Karie said...

Oh, I love this "old" cabinet. Very nice job. Thanks for sharing.

Heather said...

You did a great job, very impressive. You could call it a "country-fied cabinet" or a "cubbie cabinet".

Suzanne@thriftstoredecorjunky said...

OMG!I love it! It does not look like a curb find at all! I think the chicken wire is a nice touch.

Don't know what I would call it, but I would buy it in a minute if I lived close by...
Good work!

Karen said...

That is amazing! Love your Blog. Visiting from The DIY Show off's.

Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...

Fantastic! What a gorgeous cabinet!!! You are one talented lady!

Janet said...

I love it.

I rescued a dresser from the street once leaving work. I had on a suit and heels. It was in the driveway of a vacant house. I pulled in the driveway and was figuring out how to get it in my car without anyone from work seeing me. While I was thinking another girl pulled up, so I jumped out of my car and started loading it. She begged me to let her have it. It now sits in my guest room. Only one of my co-workers saw me and we laughed about it.

Kara said...

Hahaha...I love the story behind the cabinet. The chicken wire was such a great adds so much character and is so unique too. Great job with with the finish (AND great find!!)!

Donene said...

You are so clever! and it looks great! Maybe call it a pie safe or a curio cabinet! It is great!
I have a big favor to ask of you, recently I had a post on some weight that I lost and now there is a contest and I am in it. You win by getting the most votes so I really need your vote! Could you please go to my blog and follow the directions to vote? I can't thank you enough! Just click below and then vote!!!

Lolly Jane said...

dang i wish i lived in chicago so i could buy it. it's gorgeous. you'll easily get $60.

SOOO funny about the neighbor! (:


This is so cute! And I think we would all join a dumpster diving club ;)

Unknown said...

I would love to have a trashy cabinet like that! Beautiful. I am highlighting this at

picture this said...

absolutely love this piece. you did a great job re-doing it and giving it new life!! wish i lived closer because I would buy and put it in my house! Here's an odd question, but would you be willing to tell me what the paint color is in your house on the wall that you have the bookcase on? Because I have been looking for a color like that for a long time for my living room. It's really nice. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Just a lovely job. The colors are perfect and it is styled beautifully.

Sawdust Girl said...

I love it. I bet if that neighbor could see it now she'd be kicking herself for throwing it away. Too bad for her.

Lori said...

I wish you could come to TX and help me. My house has absolutely no decor. I love this hutch thingy!!! So cute!!

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

Ok seriously I didn't have a clue how you were going to save this baby, one word WOW! It really looks great, sorry I can't help you on what to call it though!

Unknown said...

Hi! Saw you on craighlist Remoeaholic, and just love the "thingh"!!!!
I would call that gorgeous!

lol, a few gays ago offered me a chicken coop, i love im. Hope sems so beautifull as yours.
Can you see here...


{northern cottage} said...

that is a stunning after - you could see the potential that most people would walk right by. Well done

Tania Pelletier said...

Oh, it's so sweet, I love the redo results! I must say when I saw the pictures of you breaking the glass I thought you were nuts, why on earth would you want to do THAT?! But now I see your vision and it's perfect!


Laura @ House of Thrifty Decor said...

I love this cabinet very pretty. I like the idea of removing the glass and adding the wire! It really changes the piece.

I hope you can stop by this Sunday to my Show Off Sunday Party. I would love for you to share your project with my followers. :)

Burlap Luxe said...

Stopping by,
I saw you over at Cindys link Friday party and am happy I stopped by to snoop! Beautiful job, inspiring.
Thank you for sharing.

Restyled Vintage said...

that is stunning, and your post cracked me up too, lol. As for what to call it I have no idea sorry!
xx Karen

Samantha said...

Your story was too funny! I have no idea what to call it, but it sure looks great!

FrouFrouBritches said...

I love it! The chicken wire is such a great addition. Waaaay better than the glass. Love it!

shannon i olson said...

looks great! and a fun story to go with it.

The Heaps said...

Found you through Tidy Mom!
I adore this! You did a fabulous job.

Kelli said...

Oh I love that wire and how you painted the wallpaper. It turned out adorable and by the way I think you should definitely call it a pie safe! ;)

Raine and Sage said...

Bravo - very well done! I'm thinking with the chicken wire you could call it the crockery coop. It's fantastic & inspiring. Sonia :)

Funky Junk Interiors said...

LOL!! I did the same thing with a find waaaay down the road. I plunked it down every 5" all the way home. Heaviest window EVER.

Such a clever idea with the chicken wire. You really countryfied this one up beautifully!

Can't help you with the name. I haven't finished my first coffee of the day yet. I never think that hard before THAT task is taken care of. :)


~Robin~ said...

Saw you on Remodelaholic - great job! I love it - and it's a Barrister Bookcase...Barrister being a fancy word for lawyer, but i've never heard someone call it a "lawyer's bookcase" plus Barrister sounds cool LOL

Thanks for sharing! I totally would have rescued it from the trash as well!

Jess said...

Amazing! I always hesitate and miss curbside treasures. Good Job!

Unknown said...

Well, that neighbor doesn't know what she is missing. It's a good thing. That turned out amazing.
Love it.

Bobbie - Clumsy Crafter said...

beautiful. I love it

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Wow! Now that is a huge transformation. It looks absolutely gorgeous!! Well done!

Traci said...

I am glad you broke that glass - the chicken wire is sooo much better! Love the paint job you did and the green background is gorgeous!!

Its So Very Cheri said...

You are one of the lucky winners from the Gorilla Glue contest. Please e-mail me your address:

Our monthly DIY contest is up and since you have never entered this into a monthly contest you can enter it. The prize package is $1,500 this month.


Its So Very Cheri said...

I need to send the Gorilla Glue winners in to Gorilla Glue again and I have already deleted the addresses. Can you re-send it


Ann Marie @ Twice Lovely said...

Hey Katie! I'm replacing the glass in some doors of a China Hutch I'm working on with chicken wire too. You said you glued the chicken wire in? Did you use hot glue? I've been trying to staple mine in, but it's not working out.

Unknown said...

I adore this!!!

Anonymous said...

This is what I was looking for. I am going to have to make this in green for my place. Great find

Denise said...

Awesome rehab. I have a cabinet in my kitchen that I also replaced some of the panels with chicken wire.

I have a cabinet like yours in my dining room but my glass panels were leaded glass. Mine was called a lawyers bookcase when I bought it.

Unknown said...

Oh this turned out so lovely! I love the blue background with the white. Great was to dress it up, nice work!

SaltAndPepperMakers said...

I am convinced that bead board makes everything beautiful again. The chicken wire looks much better than the glass did as it lends it some real character. Great job! ~Pepper

bethseti said...

Drooling! I just now ran across your work. Ha, I'm a "dumpster diver". I have people calling me always letting me know where the good find are. I drive places where people are having trash cleanup day. Yay, there's more people out there like me. Thanks for sharing your work. You are an amazing girl! Yep, I agree Raise your price, don't be shy. You need to pay yourself for your creative talent too!!

bethseti said...

Drooling! I just now ran across your work. Ha, I'm a "dumpster diver". I have people calling me always letting me know where the good find are. I drive places where people are having trash cleanup day. Yay, there's more people out there like me. Thanks for sharing your work. You are an amazing girl! Yep, I agree Raise your price, don't be shy. You need to pay yourself for your creative talent too!!

The Quazy Quilter said...

:) :) put your collection of hens and rooster inside and call it a chicken coop!!!! DELIGHTFUL idea!!!!!

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