Friday, October 1, 2010

Radio Silence

We wanted to give you a little heads up on what is going on around here.

I know that I have some new readers that may not know that my dad passed away this past December.

It has been a rough 10 months.

You can read about it here, here, and here.

Actually, dad's death it is what got me the courage to start all these DIY projects. I haven't really been able to mourn since I have two crazy boys to take care of. The projects have giving me a chance to...escape reality.

Anyways, on Sunday I will be starting a trip to head toward the Dominican Republic. In LaRepresa my dad's church will be dedicating a wing of a school that they build in his honor.

Why a wing of a school in the Dominican Republic? Well on the day of dad's death the pastor and other ministers were at the school discussing adding a wing to the school. They wanted to do something to honor my dad and thought it appropriate to name the wing after him.

Here is a link from the church where I could find a little bit of info on the school.

I would appreciate your prayers. This will be an emotional trip for me, my mom, and brothers. Plus my Mother in law will be flying in to help Mr. Genius to hold down the fort. They will need your prayers too.

With all that said, I will be get back to making projects when I return.

That, you can definitely count on.

Before I sign off, I wanted to show you some pictures of the boys from today.

I bought their Halloween costumes and they are absolutely thrilled to be Batman and Robin.

So thrilled that they will not take the dern things off.

But then again, I can't really complain because they totally crack me up with them on.

But I do wonder if I should work on their manliness. Maybe it is a good thing that I will be leaving for a little while so they can learn to be a little more macho.

This is what I got when I said...Show me how tough and strong you are.

Then I said...Show me your muscles!

Well, atleast they are cute.


  1. safe travels! how nice that the church is doing that. so special
    and i also wanted to say that is the best looking batman and robin i have seen!

  2. What a wonderful tribute to Dad! A man obviously well respected, Have a wonderful journey, possibly a celebration of Dads life, He would be so proud of you all going in his honor.


  3. How awesome that you are able to be a part of this. I can imagine what an emotionally journey this will be. I think I've mentioned here about losing my dad a couple of years ago, and some days its still raw. In fact, I just posted about him today, because tomorrow is his birthday. Anyway, lots of prayers going out to you Katie. Have a wonderful journey.

  4. I hope you have a good trip. I am sure your family will miss you like crazy. Your boys are so cute!

  5. Have a safe trip! I will be thinking about you on your journey! And the boys are adorable!

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. It must be a difficult year indeed.

    your kids are lovely.

    Stopping by from SITS. Have a great weekend.

  7. Katie,
    I will most definitely keep you all in special prayer. I completely understand all of the emotions you're going through right now. The first year is by far the hardest. Well, even after the first year it's hard, but it does get easier with time, I promise. That's not always what you want to hear (at least I didn't--I just wanted people to let me mourn in peace). But, I wanted to tell you that because its good to know when you feel like life will never be normal again. It will...just a "new normal" : ) God will give you the grace you need during the trip, and for the days that will continue to come without your dad in them. He is such a GOOD and loving God.

    So, so much love to you,

  8. Oh my goodness, I just HAVE to add this...
    As soon as my nephew saw the picture of your boys, he said, "Oh my gosh! You hab to get dose costumes at da store for me!"

    Hahaha : ) Priceless.

  9. Hi! I've been religiously checking your blog everyday for the past couple weeks (since I found Remodelaholic and therefore, found you!). I'm sorry your Dad passed. My grandpa passed exactly a year ago and I'm still in pain over it at times. They say time heals all wounds but golly, how much time is it going to take, I wonder sometimes.

    This is a wonderful post to your father. It is obvious that you love him and I strongly believe that your loved ones that have passed are with you.

    And your kiddos are adorable.

    Good luck with everything! I love your posts and your projects!

  10. I lost my dad three months ago and can relate to so many things I have read in your past posts. I hope everything goes well for you on your trip and you sound like you are honoring your dads memory well.

    Safe Travels.

  11. I just read the posts about your dad, tears are streaming down my face, i just lost my Grandpa, one of the greatest men ever... on a lighter note- I love your boys costumes- I have 3 boys- when the 2nd was born (in Oct) my oldest was Batman and wanted his baby brother to be Robin- needless to say, you can't find a newborn Robin costume,so I made one, that was like a sleep sack and a tiny little mask... so cute

  12. Be safe, be strong, hug your mom...I don't know what else to say. I know it just hurts!

  13. We do a lot of work in the D.R. as well. We are connected with a network of churches but our work has centered mainly in Santo Domingo and Bani (Santa Rosa, specifically). Next time I am there I will try and hook up with the school that you mentioned. I loved reading about your dad and I truly am sorry for your loss.
