Thursday, December 30, 2010

Silhouette Sale!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Our was crazy, busy, and fun all rolled into one. Well actually we pack 5 Christmas' into 2 days. So I guess you can say it is rolled into 5 rather then 1.

The month of December (and November) I worked on a project that completely consumed me.

I will tell you about it later and then some of you can learn from my mistakes. Trust me it will make your life so much easier. You will have less ulcers in your mouth and you will actually be able to sleep at night.

Anyways, I wanted to tell you about a HUGE sale that Silhouette is is actually ending really soon. So if you got some extra money at Christmas....this is the time to spend it.

You can get the Silhouette for almost half off!!

Nope...not kidding.

This is even cheaper then their Cyber Monday deal. I didn't think that was even possible.

All you have to do is use the code PATIENCE and you can get a Silhouette for only $175!

That is $124 off the price! Isn't that awesome!

With this deal you get a monthly subscription to all the Silhouette desgins that you get to keep forever. Also with your subscription it makes the prices of the designs more then half off! Which the prices start at only .99 anyways. So they will be a REALLY good deal.

This sale ends on January 1st. So you are going to have to hurry!

Tata for now, we are literally driving from TN to IL as I type. Isn't technology wonderful! :) The plan is to get the boys to sleep so we can have a "easy" 8 and a half hour drive rather then a crazy and endless 13 hour drive when the boys are awake. We are hoping to land at home around 3am!

So hurry and get your Silhouette's and have a safe and fun New Year's!

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