Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 10 in 2010

Wow no posts in almost a month and then 2 posts in one day!

Oh the excitement is almost unbearable.

Ok, it isn't that exciting. What can I say I am pretty bored right now. I almost jumped out of this seat because I passed a board on Angry birds that I have been working on for a day and a half. So it doesn't take much for me right now.

While I am sitting here keeping the boys content with Toy Story 3 and Mr. Genius happily eating his Beef Jerky...Blech! The smell of beef jerky in a small confined small is just nauseating. But it keeps him awake to drive late at night so I will cloth pen my nose and bear it.

With everyone content I thought I would look back at my projects for the year and then give you an idea of what I have planned for this upcoming year.

The number 1 most viewed project...



I have some more plans to use these glitter letters through out the house!





aka easiest project EVER!





I know that this doesn't have anything to do with a project, but this was the 10th most viewed post on my blog. What can I say one persons lack of details early in the morning is other peoples amusement.

Now for my future plans. Since it is so cold outside. Redoing furniture in the garage right now is just out of the question. I personally like to keep all my fingers and toes from turning blue. 

So until it gets warmer. I am hoping to redo our half bath, Wild Man's room, and maybe the dining room. Once it does get warm enough to go back out into the garage to work I plan on redoing LOTS of furniture this year. 

Mr. Genius and I have a BIG financial goal for us. We want to pay cash for a new to us minivan!

The current one I have is starting to a few electrical issues. So the end of ol' blue is getting near. So we are planning ahead with the new (to us) car. It would be GREAT if we could buy it at the end of 2011, but we are not counting on it. 

Hopefully this coming year will come with even more projects to inspire you!


  1. You really had some awesome projects last year!I love your furniture makeovers. Looking forward to 2011!

  2. The very first project I saw when I discovered your blog, was the floor candlesticks. I adore them. I still want to do some for myself. I AM going too (one of these days,lol)
    I have been following your blog ever sense. I would love for you to follow mine as well. Thanks for all your inspiration. Can't wait to see what 2011 brings.

  3. Hey I just wanted to let you know that I posted a link to your site on my blog. I hope that is ok, I thought that others might enjoy your projects as much as I did.

  4. What a great list of projects! I can't pick a favorite... the candlestick or the red table or the blue/gray dresser? ;)

  5. I love your goal for this year! Good luck!!!

  6. I LOVE the lawyers cupboard.

    Happy SITS day.


  7. What a fabulous collection of projects you've got here!!

    I love DIY projects - you've found some great ways to give old pieces new life!

    popp'n over from your SITS feature today!


  8. Oh my goodness, Katie, my husband would have your head! Whenever I suggest painting something made of wood, he threatens me. The man is a wood snob! He also loves lawyer's bookcases. And you went ahead and painted one...

    I love it! And don't worry, I won't show it to him.

    Happy SITS Day! Enjoy the comment love today.

  9. That lawyer's bookcase is really beautiful. Everything is beautiful, but that one struck me. I love it. I'm going to have to hunt on Craig's list for something similar to do for my own kitchen.
