Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The difference a little glaze can make

One of my most favorite things to do to furniture is to glaze it. The glaze covers so many imperfections and also highlights the details to a piece.

I thought I would show you the difference that can be made to a piece with just a little glaze.

I got this piece from a client, that they found for free.

Here is a close up of one of the doors.


She wanted me to paint it a Behr color called Water Sprout. The color reminds me of green sorbet.

To get into all those little crevices I had to use one of the boys cheap little paint brushes. You know the ones used for water coloring. They were the only things small enough I could find to fit into those little knicks and crannies.

Here is what she looked like painted and one of the doors glazed.

Here is a closer look.

See how the glaze really makes the details show up?

There is really not a wrong way to glaze.

I use Ralph Lauren's fauz technique glaze that has the color tea stain added to it. Sometimes I just use wood stain to glaze. It is just what ever tickles your fancy at the moment.

I brush the glaze on all over the piece.

Does your husband have a shirt that he still wears and it drives you batty that he thinks that it is still a good looking shirt?

This is the time to go and grab it and use it for something useful.

When I glaze I do the wipe on, wipe off method. (Thank you Karate kid)

I wipe on the glaze with a brush and then I wipe off with whatever shirt or cloth I decided we do not need anymore.

Due to the flash the door closest to us looks a little lighter, but they are the same.

See how easy that is?

Unfortunately I didn't get a full picture of the finished side board. So sorry.

But here is a recap of the door.

The before

The after

This is before I glazed the whole side board. I was just so anxious to do the doors. I did them first.


  1. thanks for this post i really needed it! I have a white dresser I dont want to paint cause its new but I wanted to give it a stained looked! I couldnt think of the what the glaze was called and you gave me the info!! thanks a bunch!

  2. What a difference the glaze made on that piece.

  3. Of course it looks great after you work your magic. I am wondering where in the world people are finding stuff like THAT for free. It is beautiful!!!

  4. What a wonderful piece of furniture! You are so right that the glaze makes such a huge difference. Nice job!

  5. I love glaze too - it makes all the difference!

  6. Happy SITS day, looking forward to getting lots of inspiration from your site - I could do with that!

    Have a lovely day,

  7. What a great project, the glaze really makes it.

  8. Happy SITS day!

    I love the glaze on this. Truly a wonderful piece. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  9. We just redid a piece from the garbage (the stuff people throw away is crazy!) and glaze would give it that extra oomph. Thanks for the idea!

  10. Happy SITS Day! What a HUGE difference! It looks great!

  11. Congrats on your SITs day.

    I browsed around looking at few of your projects and all I can say WOO...you are one funny and talented mom.

    Love the name of your blog.

  12. Happy SITS day. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I never thought to paint furniture. It looks great.


  13. Congrats on your SITS day! You do some pretty amazing things. Wow! Enjoy your day in the spot light :)

  14. Love the finish!

    Following you from SITS . . . congratulations :)

    Have a wonderful weekend . . . Gina

  15. Congratulations on the feature.

    What a cool project you have here -- and I love the name of your blog too. I'd have to have patience to do this project! I think life is so rushed and you couldn't do this project rushed.

  16. Wow! Beautiful work...love the results of this cabinet and the dresser.. And the Fantsy Fancade --- awesome! am so checking into that....

    Happy SITS day!

  17. What an incredible find. And you made it so beautiful. Thanks for teaching about glaze. I've wanted to try it but didn't know what I was doing so I shied away from it. Now I think I'm going to give it a go.

    Enjoy your special SITS day. I hope it's everything you ever hoped for.

  18. Happy SITS Day! You have a wonderful blog.

  19. It's beautiful!!!

    Happy SITS day! :)

  20. With or without the glaze, getting rid of the brown deserves two thumbs up!

    I love it when SITS features another budget decorating blogger, my topic of blog discussion as well!

  21. Neat! I have a dresser just like this one! Congrats on your SITS Day!

  22. Gorgeous stuff!! Congratulations on your SITs feature. I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Congratulations on being featured at SITS today!!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I have never heard of glazing. I'm going to look into it though because my dinner table really needs some help.

    Happy SITS Day!

  27. Happy SITS day!

    I REALLY like those cabinet doors! I love the detail work on the front - so intricate. They don't make 'em like those anymore, do they?

    You did a great job revamping them too - they look beautiful!

  28. Stopping by from SITS. That cabinet is now GORGEOUS!

  29. What an amazing transformation! That looks fantastic!

    I'm stopping by from SITS today to say congrats on being featured. Have a great one!


  30. Love your blog! Happy SITS day!

  31. Happy SITS day to you. Love what you did to the piece.

  32. It's amazing what a little glaze can do! I'm visiting from SITS, and your blog looks really interesting! I'm in the process of DIYing my wedding right now, but after September, I will definitely be using some of your tips to decorate our home!

  33. This looks absolutely beautiful! I'm sure your client will be thrilled! You have inspired me to take a trip to Habitat for Humanity Restore today to see if there's anything worth glazing:)
    Happy SITS day!
    You have a great blog!

  34. Visiting from SITS! Cograts on being the featured blogger! Nice blog you have here.

  35. Happy SITS day! Love all your DIY projects! It's very inspiring!

  36. Congrats on your SITS day. It's so cool to see how creative people are. I'm a total dud when it comes to anything like this!

    ~Mimi @ Woven by Words

  37. Happy SITS DAY! Love your blog and all your projects!

  38. Happy SITS Day! I love your DIY projects. I'm adding you to my reader. I adore the green chest-of-drawers. Can't wait to see what else you do.

  39. Congrats on your SITS day, love the dresser transformation!

  40. What a beautiful transformation! I'm totally inspired to go thrifting and find a piece of furniture in need of a makeover and try this technique for myself.

    Happy SITS Day, Katie!

  41. Happy SITS Day, even though I'm a day late! Your projects are amazing!

  42. You are one talanted lady! Happy SITS Day!

  43. That is amazing!!! Congrats on your SITS Day!

  44. Wow. What a difference! You just inspired me to update some old furniture!

  45. Stopping by from SITS! Congrats on being featured! :) Your projects are amazing, I wish I had the creativity to do stuff like that. Enjoy your day as the FB! :)

  46. Happy SITS DAY!
    That's way cute! Off to check out the rest of your blog.

  47. New to your site and I am in love! I was wondering--can you glaze something that's been painted black? What would you recommend? I'm itching to try it!

  48. New to your site and I am in love! I was wondering--can you glaze something that's been painted black? What would you recommend? I'm itching to try it!

  49. Hi..Just found your blog..Love it.
    Consider me a new follower. I love house projects and baking. Looking forward to reading over some of your previous post in the coming days. Jackie

  50. Love the title of your blog - sounds like the story of my life.

  51. The glaze really does bring out the details! Love your style and look forward to seeing more of your work :)

  52. Okay, I don't think I'd understood what glaze is! Though you're right - it adds SO much!

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  53. Happy SITS day! Your projects are fantastic and your boys are beautiful! Looking forward to reading more of your stuff! I love decorating blogs!

  54. That looks awesome! I never would have known to do something like this, but I love the effect and think I might use it on my kitchen cabinets that I'm redoing.

    Happy SITS Day!

  55. I love Water Spout! That's actually the color of the entryway into our home. :)

    Happy SITS day!

  56. Holy Cow! I can't believe I've never seen your blog before.....bookmarking, following, you name it!

    Yay for being today's FB on SITS, hope you're having a great day!

  57. hey happppy SITS day! =) you got a nice blog! =)

    visit my new blog:

  58. Happy SITS day!

    This is a very cool blog! I'm a new follower!

  59. Happy SITS day.

    The glaze really does make a huge difference doesn't it?

  60. wow...that is amazing..I don't have an artistic bone in my body..(and I'm kind of lazy too)...
    what a great blog...I def look forward to coming back and nosing around...
    and I love the medicine cabinet covers..what a great idea...and so easy, even I could do that!
    Happy SITS day!

  61. wow. you have a really good eye. I love how you have transformed these items.

  62. So pretty! I am so impressed! Happy SITS day!

  63. I just found your blog through SITS. I'm in love with all your DIY projects! I am the type of person that has a million ideas of things to do and procrastinates at them, so you've given me some inspiration :)

  64. I am just loving your project here! I just adore your Christmas mantle. we are still putting away Christmas stuff. Its ridiculous! Congrats on your SITS day!

  65. It turned out great! Happy SITS day to you...I am a new follower from there.

    Happy Weekend!

  66. Looks beautiful, you are a real talent.

    wish I had the time.

    Happy SITS day

  67. This looks beautiful, I refinished a table so I know it takes a lot of work but fun work.

  68. I never would have thought you could take an old piece of furniture like that and make it look AMAZING!

    Congrats on your SITS Day!
