Monday, January 3, 2011

Fantsy Fancade Giveaway and Review

To find out about the review and the giveaway.

Go to my giveaway page. Here.


  1. Ooooo! I like the classic cherry stain. The selfish part of me wants it for me... but.... I am thinking I might give it to my mom who is dealing with her 3rd bout with cancer right now!

  2. Oh my goodness I thought we were the only people who still has a medicine cabinet! My mom would LOVE this. I hope I can win it for her :)

  3. Oh my word!!!! We need this BADLY we live in an older home that desperately need some help in our bathrooms. What a difference in your friends house!!! AMAZING!!

  4. How clever! What a great way to hide the ugly medicine cabinet I have! I would LOVE to win the black one! As far as who needs it.. US ..we really have the ugliest bathroom of all! And its next on my todo list!

  5. I would use it in our master bathroom...this is really a great idea!

  6. I would love to have this for my master bathroom. Our house is only 5 years old, but for some reason, the builder put in one very awful medicine cabinet and it looks terrible with everything else in there. I'm torn between the oak finish and the black paint frame. Our current fixtures are oak, but I've been considering a paint job. Fingers crossed you'll pick me!

  7. I would pick the white option. We live in a rental house, but we have some awful medicine cabinets! I think the owner is least likely to object if it matches the white cabinets below.

  8. Oh wow! What a great update!!
    Love this

  9. Ooooh- how exciting! I would choose classic cherry. Thanks for entering me!!!!

  10. We have an ugly half bath in our basement we've been talking about starting...this might just be the jump start we need!

  11. Oh this would make it so much easier to live with my 60's pink and black tiled bathroom!

  12. I would use this in our small bathroom, I was just thinking the other day I should make something like this. (I know I would never get to making one )

  13. The kids' bathroom could use this desperately. The unfinished Alder or the Burnished Walnut Stain would be just what we needed in there. Thanks for having a great giveaway!

  14. I have been wanting to rip my medicine cabinet out and just not sure if that is the right choice, this would totally be a great alternative.

  15. We have a medicine cabinet that is standing out like a sore thumb in our basement bathroom. The cherry stain or the walnut stain would be perfect to tone it down and let it blend with the rest of the decor :)

  16. OH MY GOODNESS. We have these in our home. In two different bathrooms. Ugh. I LOATHE them and they are on the list to be done with in 2011. I would love to win a frame - they look fabulous!

  17. Our house is really lacking in the storage areas. What a great idea. It's very pretty. I also like the idea of the storage area on mirror side.

    Happy SITS day.


  18. Have always wanted a medicine cabinet to declutter my bathroom countertop. But they're just so ugly. This would be perfect!!

  19. this would so update my mom's bathroom! i would give to her

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. OMG these are amazing! I live in a rental right now, so we can't update anything and it drives me nuts. I think this could be something we could do without the landlord getting upset. It adds so much to the medicine cabinet. Love it and I would love to win the black finish frame.

  22. What a clever idea! I would so use it in our master bath! We have one little cheapie medicine cabinet in there that is screaming for this update!

  23. Oh I could so use this in our upstairs bathroom. We have just such a medicine cabinet that I have not wanted to get rid of because it is so handy....but the way it looks...yikes! Now there's a solution! :)

  24. Saying hi from SITS! What a great idea. I have a couple of bathrooms that could benefit from this.

    Congrats on your SITS day. Your boys are adorable!

  25. Happy SITS day! This would be so amazing in our bathroom- every ounce of work (and moolah) has gone into the nursery, kitchen, roof, floors, windows AND last week's gas leak repair for our fixer upper home. (You know, the kind that saves money? ;)

    Love from Chicago,

  26. Wow -- what a wonderful difference it makes!

  27. That is a great idea! I was just going to take my medicine cabinet down... but maybe I don't have to!

  28. I am in the middle of adding a small bathroom to our home and would love to have the cherry as a wonderful addition to the project!

  29. OMG, I love this idea! I am still catching up on FBs - Happy belated SITS day - and have been reading your blog. So nice to "meet" you!
