You know when you run into an old friend that you haven't seen in years and you start talking and it is like you have never been apart?
Well I doubt this relationship will be like that...but we can pretend, can't we?
When I left y'all we just moved into a 1000sq ft apartment in Geneva, IL with a preschooler and a kindergartener.
Now we live in Atlanta, GA with a kindergartener and a 2nd grader and our now unfinished basement is bigger then the apartment.
Ahhh, sweet breathing room.
Do I miss the apartment?
That will be a big fat H E double hockey sticks NO! Maybe one day I will go into detail about our adventures in the apartment, just not today. I will leave you with this little tidbit. Our alarm clock was our upstairs neighbor morning bathroom break. :/
Do I miss Geneva?
Oh how I miss my friends so much, I miss our boys school, and strangely I miss the library.
That library was awesome! But, I am glad we got out of Chicago before all the crazy winter weather started. I do not miss the extremely cold wind.
How was the move?
It was a horrible, no good, bad move. Anything that could go wrong... did. It was a stressful, financially draining, bad move. Cured us from wanting to move for a long long time.
But like childbirth, I am sure we'll forget.
Soon I WILL write a post about this move. So when we do mention that we are even thinking of moving again. I give you all permission to print out that post and staple it to my head. Yes, staple it. It will feel better then moving again.
Are you going to paint furniture again?
Do my boys have burping contest at our dinner table? YES! I actually sold 80% of our furniture with the plans to search Craigslist and garage sales for old furniture to redo. Plus I do plan to start up my business again.
How is the blog going to different this time around?
Well, I am glad you asked. This time around. I will mix furniture, decorating, DIY posts with personal posts. After all this is my blog. I can write what I want to write. One reason I stopped blogging was because people only came to see pictures of redone furniture. So one time when one of my boys almost cut off his thumb and had to get stitches only one person made a comment about my son everyone else had questions about furniture! Sigh, so this time around I am changing that. My focus will not be to drive more traffic and get more sponsers but to just tell what is going on in our house.
To start off with this new phase of the blog. I will actually introduce my family...with their REAL names.
This is my husband, Matt. AKA Mr. Genius
This is Conner (wild man). My scholarly second grader.
This is Mason (Romeo). My lover of life kindergartener and expert hand farter.
Please note, this is the ONLY photo I could find of him where he isn't making a silly face. This little guy has turned into quite the handful. He also sports a brown front tooth and a pretty scar on his forehead. Don't let that angelic look fool you. I know only see that look when he is talking to or about a little girl.
And this is me...Katie, but you already knew that, with the fam.
Well it is good to see you again. This time, I hope we will not be strangers again.