I do not love the price though. I mean $149 is quite steep.
Mr. Genius wouldn't go for no preschool in order for us to buy a candlestick.
Something about wanting his son to know his alphabet or something.
I had to figure out another way to get candlesticks to match those I got a loooooong time ago.
So I bought these things.
They are called newel posts. They go at the end of the staircase. I got the ones for outdoor.
See the bottom, how it would fit to the stairs.
They come in cedar and pressure treated pine.
I chose the pressure treated pine due to it being cheaper. Only $10 each, baby!
First I got Mr. Genius to cut off the top and bottom.
He won't let me use the power tools due to my clumsyness. I don't know what he is talking about I only tripped over my own feet twice yesterday. Geez.
But he made this.
I am going to think of something for the topper later.
Then I got the fence post toppers, they were $2. The ones with the flat top.
Then I got it ready to glue to the bottom of the post. I did use some modeling clay my boys have to level it out a little bit.
The leveling was a little hard on the shorter one.
Once the first one was glued and I was anxious to see how it will look next to the mantel.
I think the sock inside the fireplace screen just gives it that extra touch, don't you?
Then I took them outside and spray painted them.
Here they are with my mantel!
And some close ups.
So what do you think?! Pretty good for $12 a candle stick, huh!

I love those! AND how cheap they were! Awesome job!
I think you came up with a great solution! They really turned out nice. I don't think my hubby would let me use a saw either. ;-)
Pretty darn good is what I think! Genius idea, they look better than the pottery barn real thing!
Whooaa! Those came out wonderfully!
I gotta get me to a home depot store soon. Thanks for such a great idea!
Have a blessed week!
Pretty good, pretty amazing! They look great! Good ideas.
They look amazing! I will have to check out the newel posts, I was looking at unfinished furniture legs and they were so pricey! Love them!
I absolutely love them! I am definitley going to try this out!
What a great idea! They look awesome too!
They look awesome! And Hubby just sat down by me and said, "Those are pretty." That's the ULTIMATE compliment.
I'm a new Monday Follower! Your site is so cute! To find some great deals and Freebies visit me at http://www.rockindeals4you.com/?p=3784 and sign up for my newest giveaways!
They look awesome Katie!
I made some out of bedposts after drooling over the ones at Pottery Barn. :)
Great job! Very creative!
Love this project! What an impact they make with their size, style and color. Very cool.
That is very clever! Impressed.
FABULOUS! this is my fav link from made for you monday so far! i cannot wait to try this out...maybe this weekend even! hugs!
Oh wow! I adore this project. What a wonderful metamorphosis.
Wow! These are awesome. I've been wanting some tall candlesticks for a long time. I'm heading to Lowe's right now!
What a great idea!!! I love them!
Only $12?!! That's awesome! You did such a great job with them too. There is NO way anyone would know you made those, let alone that they only cost you $12. Good for you. Get down wit cha frugalista self! Okay, now I'm just sounding corny...better end the comment here. haha : )
They look so great! I need some of these and now I know how to get them at such a good price! Joni
They look so great! I need some of these and now I know how to get them at such a good price! Joni
I love this project!! Simply awesome!!
Great idea...now if I could only be sure my daughter wouldn't use it as a sword...or eat it...
I like these better than any other DIY ones I have seen. I think I need to make a oair! Thanks for all the details.
Wow they look so great, and yes the sock is almost the best feature. Funny how they tend to show up in the strangest places. I to made the mistake of purchasing some candlesticks for a bit more than any sane woman should! Thanks for the easy to do project. Can't wait to make my own set!
WOW, such a great idea!! May be stealing this for sure :)
Very creative! Thanks for showing us how!
Looks great and the fun thing is that it was so cheap to do! Thanks for the idea.
I LOVE these! I see Home Depot in my future!
Thanks for inspiring us at Lucky Star Lane!
You are so smart! Love this :)
Great idea! I knew I shouldn't have thrown out that old table! Thanks for sharing!
Love this idea too! Oh and the sock does add a little sumpin sumpin to the picture! lol.
beautiful! hubs did a great job cutting and you did a super job putting it all together!
These are awesome! They are going on my "to do list" for SURE!
Ivem been wanting some of those!! And not so much wanting to pay the price to have them -- you're BRILLIANT!
Umm...love, love, LOVE them! I've bookmarked this and I WILL be copying this idea :) Just wonderful..
Thanks for linking at Take-A-Look Tuesday - I featured you today! Mandy, www.craftedition.blogspot.com
Came across your blog from DIY Day at SPTL. I have some of these sitting in the basement I think from when we built the house "15 YEARS AGO"!! Hmmmmm...time to talk to the hubby! You definitely have a new follower!!
What a fabulous idea!! The candlesticks turned out great.
wow!! only word i could think of. :)
I LOVE this idea! I am going to have to do it! (well with the hubs help LOL!!) I made a post on my blog about it and I am a new follower! Thanks so much! Emily
Wowser! These are awesome! I am totally going to have to copy. :)
Oh My Heck!
You could buy SO much with the money you saved!!!
I love this idea!!
Awesome! I've been wanting some floor candlesticks for my new apartment... and certainly didn't want to pay out the wazoo either, so I'm so glad to have found your idea!
Great job! they turned out FABULOUS! :)
Those turned out great!
Your's are so much better!
WOW fantastic idea!! Great job!!
Thanks for linking up to I'm Lovin' it! Have a GREAT weekend!
Over from Tickled Pink...you are a genius. I'm so glad I read this.
Although more DIY means my husband is going to want more toys. I mean, tools.
Wow! Great job!
WOW! Very pretty..
Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday at Life As Lori. Please join me next week for another great party.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these! I soo may have to try my hand at these! : )
Wow! I so want to make these. I love the idea. I hope you dont mind if I copy! I found you at Remodelaholic link party.
What a stupendous crafty mind you have there, Who would have thought to use fence post. Bravo!! Job well done by the both of you.
Mr.Genius is quite handy, My dude could take a few lessons... I have the power tools... just need to get him motivated.
I'm totally making those wow, great tuto!
Those look great! I didn't realize how cheap those things were!!
These are super fabulous! Looks fantastic!! I want a few =) Hope you have a wonderful weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn
Wow! They look awesome! Very creative.
I have always wanted floor candlesticks and have always been too cheap to buy them. This is BRILLIANT! Love it, making it, cannot wait to put them in my living room! Awesome and I am a new follower.
Thanks for linking up to Tickled Pink.
504 Main
Way cool! And on my to-do list!!
Very beautiful, and you are very funny too! The whole fireplace is gorgeous - I love the wall treatment above the fireplace too.
Stopping by from SITS ( you were the commenter above me!)
I love the title of your blog and WOW at those candlesticks! I would never have thought of something like that, but I just may use this idea!
Great project. You are one craft and creative gal!
Wow!!! Well aren't you the crafty one!!! Very Impressive for sure! So glad I found you! Coming over from I'm Lovin It,,,,,and I am lovin your blog! Yes I am! I need a DIY group on my website...are you interested? LOVE your posts! Please fly over to Midchix.com and start up a new Flock for Do it Yourselfers like yourself! LOVE IT!!! I am now officially hooked on your blog and following you! Have a great day!
Outstanding! What a wonderful idea. They look fantastic.
Such a cool project! You are definitely Mrs. Genius! Thank you for sharing!
I know what you mean about these usually being so expensive--so great job!
Thanks so much for linking up this awesome project to my party. Be sure to check out a few others on the party page as well....it is great to meet new blogging friends. Hope to see you again. Debbie
Just hopped over from debbiedoos party~ just LOVE your creative project~ thanks for sharing! I look forward to reading more...I am now a follower!
I love them, and the price, I'm saving this post for a someday craft! Love it!
Wow!! I am sooo making some! You did a great job!!
Fabulous job on these! I really want a pair! They good stunning and right out of a catalog! Fantastic job! Thanks for joining The Sunday Showcase. I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn
Well done! I think I need 3. Thanks for sharing ... I've posted a link.
Great job! Mr. Genius didn't do too bad either!
Nice project. I would love it if you would link this up in Modern Craftswoman Monday. Very well done. Rory
I will be doing this ASAP... I love it. Good job.
I LOVE this idea!!! They llok super expensive. Thanks for sharing.
These are wonderful! I will definitely be using this idea! :)
Hi Katie! Just wanted to let you know I’ll be featuring your candlesticks today! Stop by and grab a featured button if you like! Thanks again for joining the Sunday Showcase! Hope to see you again next week! ~ Stephanie Lynn
Those are fantastic. And the sock in the fireplace made me laugh out loud.
Have a blessed day!
Brilliant idea - floor candlesticks ARE so expensive, I love this. Thanks for linking up to Be Inspired last week.
Very clever thinking! Thanks for sharing.
I must have missed this post, but I just saw you featured on The Lettered Cottage! These are very cool, and I love what you did with the whole fireplace! Someday I will be creative like that...till then i will just liev vicariously through blogs like yours!!!
Have a great day!
Awesome possum! You are very smart.
visiting from Lettered Cottage....what a great job you've done with your mantel!
Now, a happy follower...so glad she pointed me in your direction!
What a pretty room this is! I love the wall treatment over the fireplace.
I am so making these!! Love them!!
WHAT A fantastic project! way to go!!! oh. and you had me cracking up over the sock thing!
wow..they look amazing....great idea and you did a fantastic job on them..
holy smokes! awesome!!!
LOVE these! Just this week, I have been hunting for a great deal on these. My husband had mentioned learning to turn wood, but how much simpler and cheaper is this!? Thanks for sharing!
Very creative! I too could not imagine paying so much for candlesticks. I LOVE your idea and just might have to copy it :)
Erica at ericaharless.blogspot.com
...now I want to see the rest of the room!
Oooh, I hope you don't mind but I will definitely have to steal this idea - LOVE IT! ~Sam
These are awesome! I will be featuring you on Endlesscrafting.blogspot.com on Monday..come grab your featured button.
I am in love with these. I need some!! I featured you as part of 'Look at me, I'm SO Crafty!' Party at Fun to Craft. Thanks for linking up. Come by and snag a featured button!!
I am SOOOO going to try this idea! Pure Genius!
Those are amazing. Even your mirror is smiling. All the mirror needs is eyes. Call me strange, but the chain reflection in the mirror looked like a smile. HEE! Thanks for submitting. I love this idea.
Tara @ Trendy Treehouse
Ummmm...hello? That's awesome!! Perfect for that hearth!
Wonderful idea! They look so great. I love it!
Thanks so much for linking up to the CSI Project! We really appreciate it. I hope you will come back next week for our Hardware Store challenge!
I love love love this post!! I have 4 of these just hiding away in my closet.Now i have something to do with them.Thanks!
I'm way impressed! Love it! Thanks for sharing. PS. How long did you have to wait on the waiting list til Layla was able to do your design consult?
Those are brillant! I am doing them for our Living room! Love it!
I love the candlesticks that you made. I need to get crafty like that! You could use the tops that you cut off to make some pretty tabletop finals. I love those...
Those are wonderful! You did a great job on them. Makes me wish I had a fireplace even more now!
Those are beautiful! If anyone makes these, they must be painted! Pressure treated wood should never be used indoors unless painted. Even still I would probably spring for cedar or pine, just to be on the safe side.
You. Rock.
Love it! Have Mr. Genius cut just a little off the top of the top you kept and voila! matching candlestick for the mantel or tabletop!
I just found your blog - I love it! This is such a great idea!
I am your newest follower :)
I so love this and I have some spindle things in my garage!!! Hmmmm and my husband is off tomorrow. I see some honey-do's in his future!! : )
great idea!!
Fierce, fierce, FIERCE!! Brilliand idea! I cannot wait to bust out some red ones!!! EEK, I am uber-excited now. :)
Beautiful!! What a fantastic idea. Bookmarking for when I move. (or maybe earlier because it looks too fun to pass up)
I would love it if you would link to my new link party =)
I love these! This is the first I've come across your blog... and I like it :)
Love your idea! I'm replacing my staircase bannister in the next week. What a great way to recycle a few of the parts. I can't wait to try it.
They look great! I LOVE the sock by the fireplace. I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds socks in the strangest places!
Very pretty! However, going with the cheaper wood isn’t always the best idea. Please be cautious as pressure treated wood has many harmful chemicals in it that can make you sick as well as cause cancer. I would move them to a different place so that your children don’t have any exposure to them at all–perhaps somewhere high and out of reach. Even though you painted them–they are still harmful. In order to greatly reduce the chances of being exposed to the harmful chemicals, you should put on a couple coats of an oil based sealer to help avoid getting sick.
Also, if anyone else uses pressure treated wood for anything, be sure to wear gloves while handling it and a mask while cutting/sanding it! If it can be helped, pressure treated wood should never be used inside the home.
I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the new Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) My hope is to share many of the fabulous projects I see everyday with the vast CG audience. I hope you will not only stop by and subscribe to CG, but will tell your friends about the new category! Hope you see some traffic from it!
Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here
If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!
P.S. Because I originally found these on 733, I have linked to the tutorial on her site, however there is also a link to your blog and it comes directly to this post :)
excellent! easy + 10min-ish + something really sophisticated as a result. you did great with this decor project and we love this formula.
so, i'm inviting you:
do come link it up at our site so that our readers can find this and your other wonderful ideas:
(new party every wednesday, findable at our home page)
we look forward to featuring your work!
These are so great! I love making stuff out of things from the hardware store and these look fabulous around your fireplace. You got a lot of bang for you buck out of these.
Wow. Just wow. Thanks for the step-by-step. I feel inspired to try this out!
These truly are amazing! I am inspired!
You inspired me to make my own...not as pretty...version! Thanks for the inspiration...I gave you a shout-out on my page, go check it out! :)
You inspired me to make my own...not as pretty...version! Thanks for the inspiration...I gave you a shout-out on my page, go check it out! :)
I came to re-iterate what a prior poster said as it's very important- although they are beautiful, pressure treated wood should not be used indoors for safety reasons.
Well this is def. on my to do list!!!! They look great, thanks so much for sharing the idea :) I am going to link your idea on my blog ...it is so neat!
I love this! Also, I have little socks inside my fireplace screen too. :)
THANK YOU!! I have been looking for YEARS to find some "cheap" floor candlestick holders without having ones that are really wobbly! This is perfect!! Thanks!
Awesome idea! Wherever did you come up with this...every house is going to have one now! hahaha. :) Thanks for the inspiration. With Mr. Genius and your powers combined...! :) Great stuff...look forward to reading more of your posts.
Awesome idea! Wherever did you come up with this...every house is going to have one now! hahaha. :) Thanks for the inspiration. With Mr. Genius and your powers combined...! :) Great stuff...look forward to reading more of your posts.
love these!! Idea for tops...if you had 2 more they would make great legs for a low lying coffee table - add a top of particle board, cover the raw edges with edge molding and paint...a perfect height for kiddos or biggos like me who like to sit on the floor and do paper work.
So, did you happen to put up the cool wall thingy above your fireplace? My fireplace needs a do over!
As fo te topper, get some small gauge wire to cut in three of four differnt lengths, curl one in in a small spiral that will hold photos. Drill small holds in topper, glue in wire, add photos and sit on display.
Sigh. I wish I could put such cute floor candlesticks in my house. Alas, I'm confident my two boys would use them as swords, or some other ill-fated activity. Boys are like that. Lol. But I'm totally digging these for some super cheap Christmas presents!
These are really cool, Katie!
I need you to add my button, please, in order to participate in the Knock-Off Party. Thanks!
Super cute and easy! If my children wouldnt sword fight with them I would be at Home Depot right now getting the supplies lol
These are awesome.
I, too, love Pottery Barn knockoffs and do them a lot.
I also fell in love with the black candlesticks and did my version...a picture is on my sidebar...come over and see...:))
VERY cool! Great job!
Absolutely beautiful! Katie, what a brilliant and inexpensive DIY!
I know you'll probably be swamped for days from your SITS feature, but if you're up for it next Tuesday, I'd love to have you link up the project/post to my linky. I know my readers would be head-over-heels for it!
Awesome project! And they look so good. Nice job. Happy SITS day.
Those are awesome candlesticks! I'm always on the lookout for ways to save money on candles and candle accessories... they're so expensive, but they add to much atmosphere to the home!
Happy SITS day!
But you don't have to send your little guy to pre-school! He'd learn more at home and not pick up bad habits. I even share on my blog today how to teach your child to read. It's not as hard as people want to make it out to be.
Congrats on your SITS Girls feature.
What a really great idea! My sister and I just did this, but with lamp bases. Your idea is way easier :) Thanks for sharing!
I just saw your idea on Pinterest and clicked through for more information. What a great idea! I think I'll try to make a few after the holidays!
This is SO smart! You are so creative! Thanks for the idea! :)
Another one added to my to do list!
I am very impressed with your ingenuity and am soooooo excited to do this.... Just this past weekend i was salivating over these at Hobby Lobby but the the small one was 69, the mid size was 79 and the biggest was 99!!!!!? Your posts are hillarious and i totally empathize with you in so many ways. TFS!
i went to home depot to get these posts and they wanted $36 for one!! NO way! lol where did you find them so cheap?
I can't find them anywhere near that price either! I've looked online as well. $36 a piece is the very cheapest I've found and they weren't what I wanted.
Just what I need to make an Advent display with 5 tall candle sticks for our church. Your idea and directions saved the day!
I have been searching for the last hour for cheaper "newel posts", "stair spindles", just anything remotely close to this pricing and it does not exist. I have a construction company that has several resources and NO ONE can get these for this price. Glad you found them..they are cute as can be!
Brilliant!1 Love it!!
Where can I get some floor candle stands? I was looking to get a couple for my parents house.
Thank for posting this blog.Its a great work and awesome pictures of candle sticks.Wonderful and very good ideas you have!
I love the candle sticks, but unfortunately I looked several places and can't seem to find any for that price. Do you mind sharing where you purchased them?? Thanks!!
I had the same issue. I looked all over
I love the candle sticks, but unfortunately I looked several places and can't seem to find any for that price. Do you mind sharing where you purchased them?? Thanks!!
I stumbled across this post searching for those floor candles :) LOVE the idea of DIY, Can you please tell me the thickness of the newel post as they come in diff widths (maybe at the base and approx the rounded part) goin got get my hubby to make me some Thanks!
I had to figure out another way to get candlesticks to match those I got a ... hcandleholders.blogspot.com
I had to figure out another way to get candlesticks to match those I got a ... holdersfireplace.blogspot.com
where you buy the post for $10
Hi Katie!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the candlesticks!!! I am trying to find the "Newel Posts" you mentioned you found at Home Depot. I cannot seen to find anything even close to that for $10. Were they new or in the used scrap pile?
I would love to use these on a project I am working on!
I Look forward to hearing back from you!
These "newel posts" are about $100 at Lowes.
Better off buying the real thing. Its cheaper!
New posts like this can’t be found for $10. I paid $3 for used staircase posts at Habitat Restore.
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