Today we sold our house!
Also as of today we are COMPLETELY....
That is until we buy another house. Whenever that may be. But how awesome would it be to pay cash for our next house?! I don't know if I can wait that long to be a home owner and paint walls and just make a house my own.
We will be moving next weekend, so we are literally over our heads with boxes. We couldn't find our perfect place that met all our needs at the moment so we are temporarily moving into a two bedroom apartment. Yep, this is going to be a drastic change, but in this process I am getting to get rid of A LOT of our items.
Can I tell you how good it feels to purge? I LOVE it! I have sold sooooo much stuff (Craigslist, how I love you) and thrown away a gazillion little papers and broken plastic toys.
We are also getting a storage unit so I am not getting rid of everything...just the stuff that I don't love anymore.
Eventhough I am not getting rid of the things that have sentimental value, Mr. Genius won't let me get rid of our couches.
You remember my green couch?
It also comes with this chair.
I am ready for a change...big time. Almost 8 years with the same furniture is a long time in my terms. So I can't help but make my eyes a wander to the pretties that I see on the internet.
Up here in Chicago there is a furniture called the room place. I think it is similar to Rooms to Go that we had in TN.
I first ran across the room places bedroom furniture when I was looking for a big boy bed for my little Romeo.
Then my eyes wondered onto these couches. In so looking at these couches. I feel like each couch has its own personality. It is hard looking for couches. The couch really has to fit your personality, your style, your decor.
Totally different syle then my current couches. I am just so ready for a change. Couldn't you see stark white pillows and steel blue curtains? I feel like I need to move to a swanky loft in downtown Chicago with this sectional.
This one looks comfy enough to take a nap on...
I like the color...not so much the style. I think my grandmother used to have this couch.
I feel like this one should be at a psychiatrist office. Which makes me think of the Veggie Tales video of "I love my lips". Now that song is stuck in my head.
This one makes me feel like I need to put on a petticoat under my Sunday best and drink some sweet tea.
So my eyes may continue to wonder for our perfect new couch.
*Mr. Genius sighs a big sigh of relief*
But maybe one of those fit your style.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Keep this Handy...
Packing, packing, packing. Phew, this is a job. Even though we have had two garages sales and sold countless things on Craigslist...we still have a lot of stuff.
Anyways, I ran across this list a couple of months ago and I keep it on my fridge as a reminder and I think you all would find it very informative so I thought I would share.
A study was conducted by the The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University.
The study was called "The Importance of Family Dinners"
Children Who Have Regular Sit-Down Family Dinners Are:
1. At half the risk for substance abuse compared to teens who dine infrequently with their families.
2. Less likely to have friends or classmates who use drugs.
3. have lowers levels of tension and stress at home.
4. Are more likely to say that their parents are proud of them.
5. Are likelier to say they can confide in their parents.
6. Are likelier to get better grades in school.
7. Are more likely to be emotionally content and have positive peer relationships.
8. Have healthier eating habits.
9. Are at lower risk for thoughts of suicide.
10. Are less likely to try marijuana or have friends who use marijuana.
Kind of puts things in perspective, huh?
I know later on in life it will get harder for us to have a sit down dinner with our boys. When they get in all the sports, and have more freedom to hang out with their friends. Mr. Genius and I are hoping that us starting the tradition so early in the boys lives that it will be harder for us to break this habit. At least that is the hope.

Anyways, I ran across this list a couple of months ago and I keep it on my fridge as a reminder and I think you all would find it very informative so I thought I would share.
A study was conducted by the The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University.
The study was called "The Importance of Family Dinners"
Children Who Have Regular Sit-Down Family Dinners Are:
1. At half the risk for substance abuse compared to teens who dine infrequently with their families.
2. Less likely to have friends or classmates who use drugs.
3. have lowers levels of tension and stress at home.
4. Are more likely to say that their parents are proud of them.
5. Are likelier to say they can confide in their parents.
6. Are likelier to get better grades in school.
7. Are more likely to be emotionally content and have positive peer relationships.
8. Have healthier eating habits.
9. Are at lower risk for thoughts of suicide.
10. Are less likely to try marijuana or have friends who use marijuana.
Kind of puts things in perspective, huh?
I know later on in life it will get harder for us to have a sit down dinner with our boys. When they get in all the sports, and have more freedom to hang out with their friends. Mr. Genius and I are hoping that us starting the tradition so early in the boys lives that it will be harder for us to break this habit. At least that is the hope.

Sunday, October 23, 2011
Guest Post from Hometalk
Today I have a guest blogger. Jakob from who wants to talk about some neat new ways to make your own gift wrapping. With the holiday's coming up I think you will enjoy!
DIY Holiday Gift Wrap
True, there’s still a good amount of time before the holidays but if you are interested in making gift wrap from scratch there’s no better time than now to start keeping an eye out for materials.
First of all, understand that wrapping gifts going to friends and loved ones with self made coverings isn’t just about saving a few dollars on those rolls of paper which can often be very generic looking, too loud, or to blah.
When someone takes the time to uniquely wrap a gift the extra effort shines through enhancing the experience of the one receiving it.
In essence, presentation says a lot; even when the focus is giving!
That said, here are a few ideas for the DIYer who wants to go the extra mile and make their own wrap:
Fall leaves: Yes, believe it or not this is an amazing way to cover smaller gifts. Ideally, try and collect leaves that have already changed color but are not so crisp they’ll disintegrate when bent. Then, take some large swaths of news print or other paper and start gluing them on. After you have a nice layer and they are dried place in a safe place until gifts have been purchased and are ready to be wrapped.
Newspaper/magazines: Certain gifts may be related to popular culture or current events. Wrapping them in images from newspapers or magazines sometimes makes the anticipation all the more exciting.
Wood scraps: Very often lumber businesses will allow others to search through their waste and take what they want. This is a perfect opportunity to find pieces to make boxes for gifts that can then be painted. Occasionally you may find some scraps from trim carpentry that can also be used as decorations around the sides. When all is said and done going this route is like giving two gifts in one!
Old posters: Let’s face it. There comes a time when certain things just don’t mean as much as they once did, a prime example being old posters. If you feel it’s appropriate try using them as wrapping paper. They are fun and can bring back a lot of memories.
Photographs: This is one of my favorite ways to wrap gifts. First, take pictures of the intended recipient of the gift, of the two of you together or simply random shots. Then, just like with the leaves stick them firmly to swaths of paper, let them dry and place in a safe place until the gift is in your possession and ready to be wrapped. When the present is received I promise it will take a while before your loved one opens it up, as they will be so curious to check out all the images –and effort, you put in just for them.
Jakob Barry is a Hometalk writer. Read more articles like this one or get help with your home projects on
Great ideas Jakob!
DIY Holiday Gift Wrap
True, there’s still a good amount of time before the holidays but if you are interested in making gift wrap from scratch there’s no better time than now to start keeping an eye out for materials.
First of all, understand that wrapping gifts going to friends and loved ones with self made coverings isn’t just about saving a few dollars on those rolls of paper which can often be very generic looking, too loud, or to blah.
When someone takes the time to uniquely wrap a gift the extra effort shines through enhancing the experience of the one receiving it.
In essence, presentation says a lot; even when the focus is giving!
That said, here are a few ideas for the DIYer who wants to go the extra mile and make their own wrap:
Fall leaves: Yes, believe it or not this is an amazing way to cover smaller gifts. Ideally, try and collect leaves that have already changed color but are not so crisp they’ll disintegrate when bent. Then, take some large swaths of news print or other paper and start gluing them on. After you have a nice layer and they are dried place in a safe place until gifts have been purchased and are ready to be wrapped.
Newspaper/magazines: Certain gifts may be related to popular culture or current events. Wrapping them in images from newspapers or magazines sometimes makes the anticipation all the more exciting.
Wood scraps: Very often lumber businesses will allow others to search through their waste and take what they want. This is a perfect opportunity to find pieces to make boxes for gifts that can then be painted. Occasionally you may find some scraps from trim carpentry that can also be used as decorations around the sides. When all is said and done going this route is like giving two gifts in one!
Old posters: Let’s face it. There comes a time when certain things just don’t mean as much as they once did, a prime example being old posters. If you feel it’s appropriate try using them as wrapping paper. They are fun and can bring back a lot of memories.
Photographs: This is one of my favorite ways to wrap gifts. First, take pictures of the intended recipient of the gift, of the two of you together or simply random shots. Then, just like with the leaves stick them firmly to swaths of paper, let them dry and place in a safe place until the gift is in your possession and ready to be wrapped. When the present is received I promise it will take a while before your loved one opens it up, as they will be so curious to check out all the images –and effort, you put in just for them.
Jakob Barry is a Hometalk writer. Read more articles like this one or get help with your home projects on
Great ideas Jakob!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Google Analytics
So today in between calling chimney cleaners, pricing storage units, and looking for a place for us to move to...I took a break and looked at my google analytics page.
I haven't looked at it much lately.
Guess I have been a little busy. ;)
But I have noticed that I was getting A LOT of traffic from pinterest. Like over 70k hits this month!
Which is really exciting for me.
Anyways, I thought I would look at the key word search for a sec and get a good laugh at what people search for.
At first it was just going through a lot of misspelled words and how to questions.
Then I have to say it just got weird.
Here is some of the highlights of what was on my list:
-my mom teaches me about testicles
-man hair
-little boys in the bedroom naked
-dominican crazy
-reborn dimples
-adults who look like little boys
Seriously how would the first one and last one get directed to my site?
Have you checked your google analytics page lately?
Take a look and tell me what you find.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sponsor post- Wallums
Wall Decals is the way to go for adding personality to a wall without a huge commitment.
Now that we are looking at getting a rentals, Wall Decals are looking awesome to me right now.
Wallums has great wall decals.
Right now they are having a special of free shipping when you spend over $50.
Go and check it out, I think you will be inspired.
Now that we are looking at getting a rentals, Wall Decals are looking awesome to me right now.
Wallums has great wall decals.
Right now they are having a special of free shipping when you spend over $50.
Go and check it out, I think you will be inspired.
Monday, October 3, 2011
A little bit of me
Do you have a friend that you just love to be around because they make you feel like you a fun person to be around and they laugh at your stupid jokes...eventhough you know they are just plain stupid.
Or someone who feels pain when you feel pain and joy when you feel joy?
That is my friend Sheli at a little bit of me.
I met Sheli a couple of months ago and I am so glad I have.
Sheli has an amazing heart and she is so encouraging.
Right now she is currently trying to adopt and decided to homeschool 3 of her 4 kids! Whoa.
She also has been asked by incourage to be one of their writers!
Today I am guest posting over at her site and on Wednesday she will be posting her first article on incourage!
So proud of you Sheli!
Go and check out Sheli's blog to give this girl some encouragement that she has given me so much of.
Do you have a friend that makes you walk away and feel good about yourself?
Sunday, October 2, 2011
A dresser and a chest
Well another week has past and we still haven't found a place to move to... we have 26 days!!!!
But who is counting?
Excuse me as I go hyper ventilate.
On an update, I have decided that in order to keep my sanity I will not be painting any more furniture until we get settled into our new house.
I just can't handle the stress.
But no worries there are a few projects that I have done that have not been put on this blog yet.
I got a lot of questions about the colors I used from last weeks pop of color side tables.
The top was painted Lagoon but rustoleum and then the white is blossom white also by rustoleum.
Both pieces I will show you today were painted with the blossom white.
Today I have a dresser with a matching mirror and a chest to show you guys.
Here is the after!
This item is sold.
Now I have a chest. But it looks like a small dresser.
See you can't tell that it is a chest on top with a drawer on the bottom.
Here is the after.
This item is for sale for $200!
Let me know if you are interested!
But who is counting?
Excuse me as I go hyper ventilate.
On an update, I have decided that in order to keep my sanity I will not be painting any more furniture until we get settled into our new house.
I just can't handle the stress.
But no worries there are a few projects that I have done that have not been put on this blog yet.
I got a lot of questions about the colors I used from last weeks pop of color side tables.
The top was painted Lagoon but rustoleum and then the white is blossom white also by rustoleum.
Both pieces I will show you today were painted with the blossom white.
Today I have a dresser with a matching mirror and a chest to show you guys.
Here is the after!
This item is sold.
Now I have a chest. But it looks like a small dresser.
See you can't tell that it is a chest on top with a drawer on the bottom.
Here is the after.
This item is for sale for $200!
Let me know if you are interested!
I am linking to these parties.
Monday: The DIY Showoff, Skip to my Lou, Between Naps on the Porch Tuesday: Tip Junkie, Today's creative Blog ,
House of Grace , Just a Girl Wednesday: Blue Cricket Designs, Domestically Speaking, Someday Crafts Thursday: House of Hepworths, Shabby Chic Cottage Friday: Miss Mustard Seeds, My Romantic Home, Funky Junk Interiors, Shabby Nest, Finger Prints on the Fridge Saturday: Tatortots and Jello, Be Different act normal Sunday: Under the table and dreaming, I heart naptime
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