First I will start with pictures of the new paint color.
Here are the before pictures.
And the after...
Notice the light above the table is now centered.
Yep, that would be one of the to dos that Mr. Genius did because he loathes painting.
I am really happy about the color. It really warms up the place. The walls in the den before hand were the same color as the ceiling. Ugh, so not welcoming. Now it is starting to feel a little more like home.
Now there is one think that drives me crazy about the den that I didn't notice until after we moved in.
Look at the ceiling and see if you notice.
You see it?
Well probably not
cuz it isn't there.
There is not a overhead light in the den!
What in the world was the thinking behind that decision?!
Even though lamps are what you are suppose to do for the correct lighting. I am not a fan of them with two young boys knocking everything over.
So you can add the ceiling light fixture to the "Things I would like to have done to the house but may not due to having the tear up the ceiling to get done" list.
Now on to today's events.
First it started off a great morning. When I got back from walking this morning I got back at 6am and everyone was still asleep!
That will be a first since living here.
But it only lasted 2 minutes because Romeo has ultra sensitive ears when it comes to me. I think he heard my sigh of relief from walking into a quiet house and immediately woke up.
It was a nice 2 minutes though.
Then Wild Man didn't wake up for another hour!
A relaxing morning.
It was suppose to rain today and it turned out to be sunny.
So I have heard about this butterfly house that it near us and free (gotta try it out if it free).
It was really nice.
They have beautiful flowers and grounds. There is an 3 story observation deck that you have to climb up a windy staircase. It was neat but made momma a little nervous.
There are also 2 and a half miles of trails though the prairie land reservation. I couldn't get the boys to run the whole 2 and a half miles but I did get them to run some of
their energy out.
Here are some pictures of the boys in the butterfly house.
Romeo was more interested in the little waterfall and Wild Man was trying to figure out the names of all the butterflies.
Then after lunch Wild Man asked to play outside again. Who am I to object to getting more energy out?
I didn't tell the boys to put their shoes on because I am 1. lazy and 2. thinking we are only going to be outside for 15 minutes before nap time, what can happen?
Wild Man and Romwo starting fighting over some cars, so being the proactive mom that I am I took the toys inside so that no one can have the cars if they can't share them.
For the 2.3 seconds I was in the house, Wild Man started crying, not screaming, but I could tell that something was wrong. I came back outside to see Wild Man's top of his big toe cut open. Actually a big flap of skin was hanging off.
I honestly don't know what happen. I looked over in the grass that he was playing in to see if there was something sharp.
Poor guy. He was really trying to be brave, but I could tell he was hurting really bad.
So after we cleaned it all up, I send Matt out to get some bandage tape and gauze. (It was bleeding pretty bad).
Wild Man sat in his chair with his foot elevated.

Trying to be smile despite the pain.
Then Romeo was a little jealous of the extra attention Wild Man was getting so he sat his whole body on a pillow rather then his whole foot.
I am pretty positive this was the first of many accidents we are going to be having.
At least this one didn't end in the ER.